Published at 16th of February 2022 09:43:18 AM

Chapter 2517: Miss Nian still can't get in touch with Lu Zhi

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   Chapter 2517 Sister Nian still can't contact Lu Zhi

   This time, he used the Yu family as a bargaining chip.

  Once the car rolls over…

  Yu Qingliu didn't dare to think badly.

   He has no turning back now, nor does he want to turn back. .

   He didn't have a good few years to live.

  Before he died, he must find a way to make the Yu family go a step further in the hidden family, instead of being the last-class family in the three, six, nine, and so on forever!

   After Yu Qingliu thought so, she turned her back and went up to the second floor to find Ji Ziyin to tell her the news.

  According to his original plan, he originally wanted to push Ji Ziyin out by sending gifts to the queen.

   Now this road does not work.

   He can only choose the most direct way - directly introduce Ji Ziyin to Her Majesty the Queen!

  ...I hope Ji Ziyin can live up to his efforts this time.


   At the same time, in Room 6668 of the M Hotel.

  Not long after the girl handed things over to Ji Lin's man, she took out her laptop from the bag by the bed, pulled out the chair, sat down, and turned on the computer.

  She entered the domain name of the server when she turned it on. After pressing the Enter key, a green code popped up on the screen.

  Qiao Nian typed a few lines of code.

  She successfully invaded into the entry system of the country m, and then found her own entry and exit registration form and opened it.

   On the screen is an enlarged form with a fake photo that is three-pointed to her but clearly PS.

The    name column is even more outrageous.

  Qiao Nian's cold and white hand operated the mouse to enlarge the name filled in the name column.

The pinyin above    directly becomes -YENIAN.

   She stepped on the chair with one foot, and the other leg was hanging there, straight and long, sitting in an unruly posture, and the expression on her face was also interesting.

   She saved a screenshot of the name and photo above, picked up the phone on the table, and sent it back to someone. By the way, a WeChat message is attached: [Did you change it? 】

   After Qiao Nian put the WeChat, he didn't see a reply, so he put the phone back, and put his hands on the keyboard to operate.

   Soon the entry and exit records of the three of them on her entry and exit system disappeared.

   turned into a message for three foreigners.

   Clearly: David, John and Thomson.

  The column of the photo of the three of them all turned into three big men with beards, the kind of beards so thick that they couldn't see their faces clearly.

  Qiao Nian erased the records about them on the entry and exit, put his legs down, picked up the phone again and lowered his eyes.

   Ye Wangchuan hasn't replied to her WeChat yet, and it looks like he might be taking a shower.

   Qiao Nian ignored it, and instead cancelled his mobile phone number and replaced it with a new one.

   Set up an engine and call blocking software that cannot be retrieved for your mobile phone number.

   In the end, she sent a message to Jane with her new number, and left only three words: "My phone number."

   She finished all this and tried to contact Lu Zhi again.

   The red dot related to Lu Zhi on the computer has been staying in the royal family of M, but the phone number to call Lu Zhi has changed from off to an empty number.

   It should be that the other party also noticed that she had detected the signal.

  Qiao Nian took the mobile phone away from his ears with deep eyes, and his face was cold and expressionless.


  Lu Zhi is by no means the kind of person who can easily capture him.

   His mobile phone turned out to be an empty number, which means that Lu Zhi must be in the midst of losing his freedom in life...

   (end of this chapter)

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