Published at 14th of March 2022 06:55:02 AM

Chapter 2630

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 Chapter 2630 Let Sister Nian wait for him outside


  Who knew that at this time, a few men in suits and leather shoes would rush in.

   The leading man saw Qiao Nian, stopped, and unexpectedly stopped her: "Miss Qiao? Is that you?"

  Qiao Nian and Xu Yigang walked down the steps, and when they heard the words, they reached out and raised their cap to reveal their beautiful eyes, and saw Simon in the crowd.

  Simon is a tall man of about 1.8 meters, with the deep outline of a typical Westerner, his facial features are extremely three-dimensional and outstanding, and his blond hair and blue eyes are not elitist.

   "It's really you." Simon saw her, walked over quickly with a smile, glanced at Qiao Nian and Xu Yi, and said in a second, "Are you here to eat?"

  Qiao Nian had contact with him several times.

   I saw him at Ji Lingfeng's banquet not long ago.

   So she nodded and said more politely: "Mm."

   "Why don't you go in?" Simon said.

   Qiao Nian hasn't answered yet.

   He remembered it later, patted his forehead, and said hurriedly: "This is the place of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, wait a moment, I'll discuss with the people inside and see if I can give you a place."

   Qiao Nian wanted to say no.

  Simon had already explained to the waiter and went in in a hurry.

   She didn't feel good and left just like that, so she had to stand outside and wait for someone to come out.

  Xu Yi looked at her, pursed her lower lip slightly, looked inside without looking sideways, and waited outside with her.


  In a very private place in the restaurant, Mrs. Lu, the Hacker Alliance and some forces from the Independent Continent all came.

  Everyone is talking and laughing waiting for Simon to come over.

   Among them, Ji Ziyin is held in the center by everyone, like the stars and the moon, and everyone's topics try to revolve around her.

   Mrs. Lu even spared no effort to praise her.

   Although the others were not as good as Mrs. Lu, they all tried their best to support her, and it was clear at a glance that they wanted to please.

   Ji Ziyin is wearing a light-colored shirt today, with pleats tied at the collar of the shirt, which is very design.

   She listened to others the whole time, only occasionally smiled and agreed, not arrogant or impetuous, looking smart and capable.

  Simon came in from outside to attract a lot of attention.

   A man with a short head just got up to say hello: "President Simon, everyone has been waiting for you, and it can be considered that we have been waiting for you. Our Miss Ji has been waiting for you for half an hour."

  Ji Ziyin paid more attention to Simon's attitude, but just smiled and said, "I just came here, it's fine anyway."

  The short-inch man wanted to curry favor with her, so he immediately laughed and said, "How can we do that? Today, we'll clean up Miss Ji."

   He turned his head and said to Simon: "President Simon, you can punish yourself three cups later to make amends for Miss Ji."


   A trace of displeasure flashed across Simon's eyes, but he waved his hands with different expressions on his face: "I'm not good at drinking, so I'll punish myself for one drink."

   What else do you want to say with a short inch.

   Simon didn't give him a chance, and then said to Ji Ziyin: "Miss Ji, it's like this, I have something I want to ask you."

   He told Qiao Nian that he came here to eat, but he had no place.

   Immediately embarrassed to discuss with Ji Ziyin: "Look, we still have so many seats here, why don't we give the outermost seat to Miss Qiao? There are green plants there, and the two sides will not interfere with each other's meals."

  This is the site of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. He took the initiative to discuss with Ji Ziyin that he has given Ji Ziyin enough face. Simon thought it was not a big deal, and Ji Ziyin should not be so stingy.

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