Published at 14th of March 2022 06:55:02 AM

Chapter 2632

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Chapter 2632 Sister Nian: Don't ask about things in society


  Qiao Nian withdrew his gaze at this moment: "Let's ask less about things in society."


   She walked in front: "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

  Xu saw the back of the girl who didn't care much, her eyes twisted slightly, her brows loosened, and she followed quietly.


   On the other side, Simon stood at the door and watched the girl get into the car, and left here with Xu Yi.

The    silver body disappeared from his sight like a bullet.


   Simon returned to the dinner, said hello to Ji Ziyin and sat down.

  The atmosphere of the dinner is hot.

   Ji Ziyin also talked about some of her experiences in country M, not much, but also revealed a little bit of information about the hidden family.

   Everyone at the dinner table wanted to inquire about the inside information of the Hidden Family from her, and she was extremely clever to hide some of the stories, which further aroused the enthusiasm of the people at the table.

   Everyone almost held her as the focus of the whole dinner, and the topic of conversation revolved around her, trying to find out more things from her.

   But Ji Ziyin is very smart.

   Apart from revealing a little bit of news at the beginning, she didn't talk about the hidden family in the future, and the old **** was sitting in his seat drinking coffee.

   She put on an attitude that she didn't want to talk more, and the others were not stupid, so she stopped thinking about continuing to inquire, and found something else to talk about.

   But the whole process is still centered on her, try to bring her along.

   "I heard that there have been frequent changes in Continent F recently."

  Someone mentioned Continent F, and immediately there was a yellow hair who said, "You heard about it too? I heard about it too."

   Huang Mao's family has their own business in Continent F, so they know more about the situation on Continent F: "I heard that the Dark Fortress has cooperated with weapons dealer David."

   He was afraid that everyone would not know who David was, so he quickly explained it again: "David is the arms dealer who came to our Independent Continent last time."

   He looked at Ji Ziyin, who was sitting in the main seat and drinking coffee elegantly, and said flatteringly, "Miss Ji knows that Mr. David. I remember last time Miss Ji said that she was friends with David. Right?"

   When he said this, everyone else looked at Ji Ziyin.

   Old Madam Lu's expression became more exciting. She seemed to want to laugh, but she didn't want to offend others, so she quickly picked up the cup and pretended to drink water to hide the sarcastic expression she couldn't help pulling up.

   Does Ji Ziyin know David?

Ha ha!

   She also thought that Ji Ziyin knew the arms dealer from Continent F, but she was played as a fool, and now there are still people who think Ji Ziyin has a close relationship with the arms dealer...

   "Miss Ji, when did Mr. David return to Continent F? He left in a hurry this time, and I didn't have time to visit him."

  Huangmao also wanted to take the opportunity to please Ji Ziyin, so he kept mentioning David, mainly thinking that David was Ji Ziyin's friend.

   Ji Ziyin has such a good friend, and it's good to say it!

   But he didn't notice that Ji Ziyin's expression became more and more stiff, and his face became dark and unclear.

   She had seen a big scene when she went out, she used a cup to hide the stiff expression on her lips, and said, "I don't know, I went to country M at that time."

   "Oh." Huang Mao was very regretful, and he said again without eyesight: "Did David not send you a message before he left?"

   Old Madam Lu almost couldn't hold back her laughter, and hurriedly grabbed the shawl on her body, pretending to focus on arranging the shawl.

   Ji Ziyin's expression became more and more ugly, and she said bluntly: "No."

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