Published at 23rd of March 2022 11:50:57 AM

Chapter 2680: Don't worry, Grandpa Jiang, I'm here

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   Chapter 2680 Don't worry, Grandpa Jiang, I'm here

   Mr. Jiang hung up the call, still caring about the matter of Lu Zhi mentioned by Qiao Nian.

   He sat under the tree in the garden for a while, and after hesitating, he still called Ye Wangchuan.


   Ye Wangchuan received a call from Mr. Jiang and was outside. The music in the box was deafening. Mo Dong and several bigwigs from the Independent Continent were all here.

   "I'm going out to answer a call."

   He picked up his jacket and got up and went out to answer the phone. He stopped when he could not hear the sound outside, and picked up the phone from Mr. Jiang: "Hello, Grandpa Jiang."

   He is tall and handsome, leaning against the door of the clubhouse with the appearance of a playful and unruly noble boy, which attracts passers-by to turn back frequently.

   "Are you outside?" Seeing that he answered the phone in the last few seconds, Jiang Weishang said embarrassedly, "Will I disturb you?"

   "No, I didn't have anything to do, so I was drinking water with friends outside."

   Ye Wangchuan didn't care about the gazes that fell on him, his eyelashes were drooping, half of his face was hidden in the light, and he said very politely: "Grandpa Jiang, are you looking for me for something?"

  Jiang Weishang didn't know how to speak, so he hesitantly said, "Is Niannian very busy recently, you know what she... what is she busy with?"

   He estimated that Mr. Jiang called him to ask about Qiao Nian, so he said without leakage: "She is busy with an experimental study."

   "That's it." Mr. Jiang didn't know how to tell him for a moment. After thinking about it, he said, "Are you not around the city?"

   He always felt that Qiao Nian was not around the city, and he couldn't bear to ask his granddaughter, so he asked Xia Ye Wangchuan.

   Ye Wangchuan hesitated, but did not answer him immediately.

   Mr. Jiang guessed the answer, and took the initiative to change the topic: "I called her today, and I think she looks bad and a little haggard."

   "You know that I'm not in good health. I can only live in this nursing home all the year round, and I can't help you many times."

   "She is alone outside and no one takes care of her. I'm really worried that she doesn't know how to take care of herself."

   Ye Wangchuan raised the arrogance in his eyebrows, lowered his eyes seriously and said to him, "Don't worry, I will take care of her."

What Mr. Jiang wanted was this promise, he softened his tone and sighed: "She seems to have a falling out with a friend, can help me watch her more recently. If she is in a bad mood, you can let her come back to live. In a few days, no matter how busy you are, there is still time to rest, and the door will always be open for her at home..."

   Mr. Jiang knows only a few friends of Qiao Nian, except for the few in Beijing, there is only one person.

   Ye Wangchuan guessed who the old man was talking about in seconds.

   His slender hand pressed his eyebrows, while politely answering the words of Mr. Jiang: "I know, you don't have to worry, I will tell you something."

   Mr. Jiang didn't bother him too much, thanked him again, and hung up the phone.

   Ye Wangchuan slowly put down the phone, stood outside and blew the wind for a while before turning around and walking inside.

   He returned to the box, the music was still as dizzy as before, and the lights were flickering inside.

   As soon as he came in, he walked straight back to his original position.

   Moxie quickly told the people next to him, and then he poured a glass of water for the man, and when he handed it over, he asked in a low voice, "Master, who's the call?"

  Ye Wangchuan held up the glass, and his slender and white fingers became more and more beautiful in the light of the light: "What is Tianchen doing recently?"

   (end of this chapter)

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