Published at 6th of April 2022 04:35:54 PM

Chapter 2705: I also wanted to tell you this before I stayed

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   Chapter 2705 I also want to tell you this before I stay

   Leonard only felt that he was kicked on the iron plate, and his face was extremely ugly, but he didn't want to offend the neutrals, so he could only swallow his breath and said: "Since it is a guest invited by the archbishop, then don't care."

   He said so, and his heart was still choked and uncomfortable.

   Why is Qiao Nian so evil!

   The old and immortal conservatives don't even need to compete with him, and the neutrals who have never caused trouble also have a faint meaning to stand in line...

   Really hit a ghost!


   Qiao Nian and Xu Yi had dinner and sent them back to the hotel.

  Because she has just entered the Privy Council herself, she has only been led by people to go through the formalities and walk through the process for the past two days, so she has nothing to do.

  Xu Yi and the others heard that she was fine, so they invited her to play in the room.

  Qiao Nian thought that it was time to check out the residence that Guan Yan had arranged for them, so he sent Ye Wangchuan a WeChat message saying that he would not go back.

   Then she walked into the hotel with Xue Zhu.

   "How many floors do you live in?" Qiao Nian still wears a hoodie, mainly for comfort, plus her unique temperament, which is casual and unrestrained.

   Walking with her always makes people feel inexplicably safe.

  Xue Zhu walked in front and pressed the elevator, tilted her head and said to her: "9th floor."

   The hotel has a total of 60 floors, with all kinds of facilities.

   She remembered that there was a dining bar on the top floor.

   There is also a dedicated swimming pool and fitness area below.

   They live on the 9th floor, the floor is not high, but compared to the 30th floor in the independent continent, the advantage is that the space is not depressing.

  Shen Qingfeng said: "The front desk said that there are only five consecutive rooms on the ninth floor, and other floors either have only three rooms next to each other, or the location is not good."

   "Yes." Qiao Nian knew the efficiency of Guan Yan's work, so he reached out and pulled the brim of his hat, nodded, and stopped asking.

   Just then, the elevator came down.

   The elevator door opened and someone came out.

   They consciously stepped aside and left a good path for those who came out.

   Everything was fine, but when Qiao Nian was about to go in, he heard a voice he didn't want to hear.

   "Miss Joe."

  Simon came down to call and didn't expect to meet her at the hotel.

  Qiao Nian saw that the elevator was about to close, so he told Xue Zhu and the others, "You go up first, I'll be right over."

  Xue Zhu glanced at the person they met not long ago, and said worriedly: "Then I will send you the room number, if you have something to do, send me a message."


   "...Then let's go first."

  Xue Zhu knew the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and of course she knew Simon's identity. She knew that Simon must have something to say when he stopped Qiao Nian, so she pressed the elevator door and went back to the room to wait for others.


  Simon watched the elevator go up, he was a little relieved, and the gentleman invited: "Miss Qiao, there is a place to sit in front of you, let's sit down and have a glass of water to chat slowly?"

  Qiao Nian didn't come with him, he just said concisely: "Let's talk here."

  Simon was quite embarrassed, he hesitated and said slowly: "Miss Qiao, I'm sorry about that last time in the western restaurant."

   "I contacted you and Mo Dong afterwards, but you don't seem to have time to come out to eat..." As he said, his brain was racing, thinking about how he should explain what happened last time.

  Qiao Nian guessed that he called himself mostly for the last time, so he raised his eyes, his beautiful eyes were clear and pure: "I also want to tell you about this before staying."

   (end of this chapter)

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