Published at 6th of April 2022 04:35:46 PM

Chapter 2713: Xu Yi is the one he wants to protect

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   Chapter 2713 Xu Yi is the person he wants to protect

   The elevator is coming.

   He asked by the way: "I also know a few people from the hidden family, boss, who is eating with us tonight? Maybe I know each other."

  Qiao Nian also saw that the elevator was approaching. Hearing that, he looked at him, then silently retracted his gaze, pulled down the brim of his hat with his hand, and said dryly, "No, you don't know him."


  Why doesn't he know?

   What if he knew it!

  Daji was very depressed by her, but remembered a person: "I heard that the royal family of M is also here, shouldn't you have an appointment with John?"

   He knew that Qiao Nian had turned the M royal family upside down last time, but John was quite sensible and didn't die with that Yu family in the end.

   After the incident, I contacted him specifically, and bought a batch of arms from him, which is regarded as an apology.

   The other party is very good at life.

   He thought Qiao Nian was talking about John.

   He was about to say that he knew John.

  The elevator has arrived.

  Qiao Nian took the lead in getting on the elevator.

  Daji could only hold back her words and go up with her.


  The wind on the top floor is very strong, the night wind blows the fragrance of flowers, and there is a melodious sound of a violin not far away.

   Ye Wangchuan was chatting with Mr. Xue.

When Elder Xue himself saw the servants of the Archbishop's house, he frequently looked in Xu Yi's direction, and when he saw Xu Yi walking away, he lowered his voice and asked, "I heard that the Archbishop invited a few guests to visit the Privy Council today. Is that them? This guy knows the Archbishop...?"

   "Which one?"

   Ye Wangchuan leaned back slightly, leaning on the sofa chair.

   Old Xue saw that he was pretending to be confused with him, so he pointed in Xu Yi's direction: "He. I think he looks a bit like..."

   Qiao Nian, a friend who looks a lot like Quentin when he was young, has a three-pointed portrait.

   Ye Wuchuan interrupted him and raised his lips slightly: "When did Mr. Xue gossip so much?"

  The silver-haired old man was embarrassed by what he said. He covered his lips and took a sip of water. He moistened his throat and said, "I'm just asking, of course you don't want to answer."

   Ye Wangchuan's eyes were far-reaching, and there were fragments of ice floes in it, but he put down the cup and reminded him in a meaningful way: "It's better that we don't get involved in other people's family affairs, you say yes."

   Mr. Xue is not a person without means to reach this point.

   In fact, even if Ye Wangchuan didn't mention him, he would have to check Xu Yi's background when he went back.

   And the presence of the servants of the Archbishop's house on the top floor tonight is the best proof, he has already guessed Xu Yi's identity.

  The silver-haired old man squinted his eyes. He really didn't expect that the Ji family's family members, who lived outside the family, were so crouching and hiding, and there were people like this.

   He didn't think too much about it himself.

  Ye Wangchuan was already looking at him, and said calmly, "He is my girlfriend's friend, and he is also my friend. Will Mr. Xue sell me a face to keep a secret for me about this matter?"

   The silver-haired old man's heart moved, and he looked up and saw the man's eyes as deep as a well.

   He was actually shocked by the opponent's aura.

  Fortunately, he didn't lose his mind for too long. In just a few seconds, he understood what Ye Wuchuan meant—Xu Yi was the person he wanted to protect.

   He was very aware of the forces behind Ye Wangchuan, and he couldn't make trouble with Ye Wangchuan because of a Xu Yi.

   So he quickly came to his senses: "Of course."

   Ye Wangchuan then took back his gaze and smiled again, as if nothing had happened, and his voice was as gentle as a spring breeze: "Then thank you Elder Xue."

   (end of this chapter)

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