Published at 11th of April 2022 11:56:59 AM

Chapter 2753: Aunt Yuan, where is the person you mentioned?

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   Chapter 2753 Aunt Yuan, where is the person you said

   A round is over.

  Qin Si was still immersed in several dogs who called him a rookie dog in front of Qiao Nian, and his handsome face was extremely injured. He raised his head and asked the girl, "Sister Qiao, am I hunting wild vegetables? Didn't I take it to fly!"

   "Take it." The girl put down the phone, returned it to Gu San, and looked at him slowly: "You took the KPI on the other side."

   "Pfft!" Gu San brewed a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table, just when he heard Qiao Nian's answer, he suddenly laughed out of sight.

   Qin Si scratched his hair and was very unconvinced: "One more shot, I have to prove myself."

   He now has 30 stars in the king, and he is one step away from the glory of the king.

   He didn't pay much attention to Qiao Nian's game play. Just now, the one-handed shooter was played by her, and Qin Si didn't know how she handled it, so he wanted to learn how to play with one hand.

  Qiao Nian had already returned the mobile phone to Gu San, and now he picked up the tea and rejected him very coldly: "No, I'll just play a game."

  Qin Si still wanted to bring her in, but Qiao Nian's cell phone rang suddenly, she glanced at the caller ID, got up and said to the two of them, "I'll go take a call."


   "Hey, Nian Nian." It was none other than Yuan Yongqin who had not contacted her for a long time.

  The business of Chengfeng Group is booming. Yuan Yongqin is in charge of the huge group by himself, and he is too busy.

   Fly all over the world.

   She only knew that Qiao Nian had something to do with the city this year, and she didn't know what Qiao Nian was busy with, but Yuan Yongqin had always trusted Qiao Nian unconditionally and seldom asked Qiao Nian's private affairs.

   "Aunt Yuan, do you have anything to do with me?" Qiao Nian has always respected Yuan Yongqin, and her tone has become more relaxed and more serious.

  Yuan Yongqin hasn't called her for a long time, and this time I'm in a good mood: "It's not a big deal. I just remembered that I haven't contacted you for so long, so I'll call to take care of you."

   "By the way, are you used to circling the city?"

   She pondered for a moment and said, "We have withdrawn from the headquarters in the ring city for two years, but there is our branch over there. If you have trouble, you can transfer the people over there. I have greeted them."

   "Well." Qiao Nian hasn't told her what she is doing. After all, what she is doing now is too dangerous. The less people know about it, the better: "I know."

Yuan Yongqin knew that she was measured, so she cut to the point and said: "That's it, I have a partner who called me to say that there was a misunderstanding with you. She said she was waiting for you outside your place and wanted to chat with you alone. ."

   Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows: "Which partner?"

  Yuan Yongqin paused and said, "I don't know her background either. Somo checked her before, and she seems to have a background in Independent Continent."

   "I don't know if you know about Independence Continent. It's not a place that can be compared between Beijing and the city. It's a very mysterious place."

   "Today, Mr. Wang took the initiative to contact me, saying that a friend of his asked me to talk to you, and I only knew her."

   Yuan Yongqin couldn't help sneering: "Actually, I don't even know her, so I just called her."

She changed her voice and was very worried about Qiao Nian: "But Nian Nian, Su Mo found out that she has a background in Independent Continent and looks very deep. You should not get involved too much with this kind of person. If it's just a small matter between you, you Forget it, don't mess with her."

  Qiao Nian listened to her explain the ins and outs of the matter, and already guessed who that person was: "Aunt Yuan, where is the person you are talking about?"

   (end of this chapter)

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