Published at 14th of April 2022 07:50:41 AM

Chapter 2760: Jiang Shao, are you still afraid of your sister?

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   Chapter 2760 Jiang Shao, are you still afraid of your sister?

   "Pfft, are you so afraid of your sister?" The director couldn't help laughing.

  Jiang Li glanced at him sideways: "You will be afraid when you see her."

   His family is a big guy of this level. He has never seen a third person except the BT of the arrogant master since he was a child.


  The director has known him for many years and is a true friend.

   Otherwise, Jiang Li would not have broken his own principles to help him.

   So the director saw that he was serious, so he dismissed the idea: "Then will you come with us later?"

  Jiang Li carried his own crayfish, thief baby, raised his eyes and said, "How can I check into the hotel if I don't go with you, let's go there together."

   The director touched his beard and smiled: "Then you can introduce our sister to me later."

   "Okay, a small question." Jiang Li readily agreed.

  The director talked and laughed with Jiang Li along the way. From his attitude, you can see how close he is to everyone.

  Jingyuan is a familiar person, and can catch up with them from time to time.

   The female No. 1 Mu Yiyi didn't say much among the four people accompanying her.

   She has a face at all times, her beautiful eyes are open and slightly narrowed, she doesn't seem to like to participate in everyone's chat, and she seems out of tune with the group...

  Jiang Li himself is a flamboyant character, and he is just playing tickets in the circle, not to mention coaxing others, just pretending that he can't see it.

  Jing Yuan is similar to Mu Yiyi, and his popularity is a little higher than Mu Yiyi. His girlfriend's fan is particularly strong, so he pretended not to see it.

  Only the director, out of consideration for the overall situation, occasionally brings the topic to Mu Yiyi and wants to bring her in to communicate with everyone.

   But Mu Yiyi and her assistant did not buy it.

   Every time the director brought something to her head, she would respond with a perfunctory sentence or two, as if someone begged her, and the director felt bored after coming down several times, and ignored her.

   Mu Yiyi's face became worse along the way, he put on his sunglasses and walked out of the gate with big strides.


  The fans outside circled round and round.

   Qiao Nian didn't squeeze in when he got to the airport, so he just waited outside the terminal.

   She heard the airport broadcast informing Jiang Li that their flight luggage had landed. She was leaning on the side of the car, with her head lowered, and her phone in both hands, ready to send a message to Jiang Li.

   Who knew that before her news was sent, Jiang Li called.

  Qiao Nian deleted the edited WeChat, put the phone to his ear, and said in a lazy voice, "Hey, are you out yet?"

   "Niannian, it may not be convenient for me to come and find you."

  Jiangli heard the screams of fans screaming and tsunami, and there seemed to be a lot of people.

   "The director said to go out through the VIP channel and get into the nanny van. Can we meet at the hotel?"

Qiao Nian could see fans holding banners from outside the terminal building. It was estimated that there were more fans on their side. He raised his eyebrows and turned to open the car door: "OK, send me the names of the hotels you are staying at. "

   There seemed to be a lot of people over there. She also heard a middle-aged man shouting at him to get in the car quickly.

  Jiang Li hurriedly said: "I'll send it to you immediately, hang up first."


   After Qiao Nian got in the car, he put the phone in the car.

   Ye Wangchuan tilted his head to look at her with deep black eyes: "Why, Jiang Li can't come out?"

  Qiao Nian fastened his seat belt: "There are too many fans outside, he asked me to go to the hotel to find him."

   Just at this moment, Jiang Li's WeChat popped up with the location address of the hotel.

  Qiao Nian put the phone on the phone stand, turned on the navigation, and sat there very relaxed: "The crew lives in this hotel, let's go first."

   (end of this chapter)

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