Published at 4th of June 2022 05:40:12 AM

Chapter 2883: Since this person is very important to you, I will help you

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   Chapter 2883 Since this person is very important to you, I will help you see

  QN: [picture.jpg]

  Qiao Nian sent the photo he just took, and told him that he didn't get up with practical actions.

   There is typing soon.

   She hasn't put down her phone yet.

   The news of Ye Wangchuan came again.

  Y: [I checked a little. 】

  Y: [Tianchen didn't use any of the boats and speedboats under his name that day, but there is one thing that people have to pay attention to. 】

  Qiao Nian's fingertips paused on the phone screen for a long time, before returning to him calmly after a long time: [Which point? 】

  Y: [Lu Zhi secretly summoned several well-known doctors in the illegal zone, saying that it was to treat his leg disease. 】

  Y: [His leg disease is not a day or two. If the doctors in the illegal zone are useful, he will not go to the M-Country Pharmacy Association for a period of time every year. So this reason does not hold. 】

  Qiao Nian was still reading the WeChat message he sent.

   Ye Wangchuan's phone number has come in.

   She sat up straight and answered the phone: "Hello."

   Ye Wangchuan's voice came from F continent: "So Lu Zhi's reason for seeking a doctor can never be for himself. At this juncture, his reason for doing this is worth looking into."

  Qiao Nian already had the answer in his heart, so he lowered his eyes and said, "I'll ask Jane."

  "..." Ye Wangchuan knew that she and Lu Zhi had fallen out: "I still have people in the illegal zone. Should I let people in and check it out? It just takes more time."

   "With Lu Zhi's vigilance, he won't let unfamiliar people approach his residence." Qiao Nian knew the other person's character very well.

   She has already thought about it: "I will find out if I ask Jane."

   She was a little irritable.

   Because she couldn't understand what Lu Zhi was thinking.

  Qiao Nian took the mobile phone and looked at it for a long time before moving. He found Jane's number in the address book and dialed it.


   illegal zone.

  Tianchen Building.

   A woman with a black tube top in a suit was leading a group of people to get on the elevator. While waiting for the elevator to get off, her cell phone suddenly rang.

   Jian Yan took out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked down at the caller number.

   Immediately, her expression changed slightly, she stopped, and skillfully instructed the people under her: "You go first."

  Jian Yan is second only to Lu Zhi in Tianchen.

  Those people are all aware of her wrist and ability, and they didn't dare to ask why, they all responded and passed by her.

  Jian Yan and others disappeared.

  She looked around and found a corner to answer the phone.

  The girl's casual voice came from the phone.

  Jian Yan hasn't contacted her for a long time, and when she hears her voice again, her heart warms.

   Hearing Qiao Nian asking her a question, she looked embarrassed again.

   "Joe, you know his character. His temper has gotten worse recently, and even I can't persuade him sometimes..."

   "I also heard a little bit of wind."

   "It's just that I really don't know the inside story."

  Lu Zhi hasn't come to Tianchen headquarters for a long time. He basically stayed at home, and she was not allowed to visit, and even let a third person deliver things.

   So Jane has not been to the place where Lu Zhi lived for a long time.

   She thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll go check it out later. If I see someone you're looking for, I'll tell you."

   Qiao Nian knew this was very difficult for her: "Thank you."

   Jian Yan smiled: "You fell out with him, not with me. I know it's his fault that you fell out. Since this person is very important to you, I will help you see."

   (end of this chapter)

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