Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:53:29 AM

Chapter 2980: Sister Nian fully cooperates!

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  Chapter 2980 Sister Nian fully cooperates!

  Qiao Nian pulled off the brim of his hat, looked up at him with a half-smile: "Are you sure it's Nie Qixing who wants to see me?"

  Zhang Yin kept the original posture still: "Miss Qiao will know where she is?"

   Say it.

  He winked at the people around him.

  The two thugs beside him immediately stepped forward, standing on both sides of Qiao Nian, one on the left and one on the right, pretending that if Qiao Nian didn't cooperate to get in the car, they would come out.

Zhang Yin watched the girl fall into his control, with a friendly smile on his face, opened the car door, and said kindly to the girl: "Miss Qiao, I don't want to hurt you either. You are a distinguished guest I invited, I hope you can cooperate with me so that we can all be well.”


  Qiao Nian snorted, stepped forward and got into the car neatly.

   Zhang Yin thought she was afraid, and was satisfied with her sense of time, so he turned his head and winked at the two thugs: "There are not enough people in the car, so one of you just follow me."

  The bigger and stronger man volunteered to go to the passenger door and said to him: "Mr. Zhang, I'll go with you!"

   "Yes." Zhang Yin responded, and immediately looked at the person who was left behind: "You go to Qi Shao, just say that I asked him to meet him at the old place. There is a surprise~"

  He pronounced the last three words clearly, which was particularly meaningful.

The two thugs who followed him were confidantes, they knew his style very well, glanced in the direction of the car, withdrew their eyes sympathetically, and said respectfully: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will notify Young Master Qi. "

   "Okay." Zhang Yin opened the door and said to another person, "Get in the car."

  The strong man also got into the car.

  The car quickly ran over the zebra crossing and drove towards the suburbs.

   disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  The strong man watched the car disappear from his field of vision, turned around and went back to the hotel to find Nie Qixing.


  In the car.

   Zhang Yin looked at the girl's sculpted face, and it was no surprise that Young Master Qi would be interested in Qiao Nian.

   He saw that the girl didn't look panicked or scared, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Miss Qiao, aren't you afraid?"

  Qiao Nian rested her fingers casually on her lap, turned her head, and looked at him with lazily raised eyebrows: "What are you afraid of? Aren't you from Nie Qixing?"

   Zhang Yin was taken aback by her question, and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help laughing: "That's right, I'm from Young Master Qi."

After he finished laughing, he suppressed his smile again, and said to the girl in a very old-fashioned way: "It's luck for you to be seen by Young Master Qi, you have to seize this opportunity and you might be able to fly on a branch! I think Miss Qiao is a smart person." , I don’t need to say more about the twists and turns in it.”

  Qiao Nian is also good-tempered, and she nodded in a very easy-to-talk manner: "I know."

  Zhang Yin had never seen such a 'cooperative' person, and couldn't help but look at her again.

  Qiao Nian really doesn't look like the kind of weak girl who dare not resist, how could she cooperate with him so much...

  Qiao Nian didn't care about his probing eyes, but asked casually: "You are from Nie Qixing, so you should know his family members. What does his family do? He should be more than just a professor, right?"

   "Where did you hear that?" Zhang Yin immediately became vigilant.

  Qiao Nian saw that he seemed very nervous, pulled down the brim of the peaked cap with her white hand, and raised the corners of her mouth, arrogant and unruly: "Just ask casually."

  She looks completely relaxed, and she does have a freewheeling look.

   Just as she said.

   Much like a casual question.

  (end of this chapter)

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