Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:52:48 AM

Chapter 2997: A barrage of bad news early in the morning

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  Chapter 2997 Received a series of bad news early in the morning

  Seeing that Nie Qixing was angry, Zhou Zheng didn't dare to continue to bluff, lowered his head, and said softly, "Well, wasn't Zhang Yin taken away by the police yesterday?"

   "Get to the point." Nie Qixing was very impatient.

  Zhou Zheng had to say the main point: "At that time, many media reporters came and took photos, and then made a big splash on social media. This is not the point, the point is...the media found out that you also have shares in the clubhouse, so..."

  Nie Qixing's expression changed slightly, and he unconsciously put down his hand pinching the bridge of his nose, lost in thought for a long time.

Zhou Zheng saw that he reacted so strongly, and probed in a low voice: "Young Master Qi, what exactly is this clubhouse for? Could it be that Zhang Yin has engaged in shady business behind your back, and the reports from the media now treat you very Unfortunately, there are also many voices talking about you on social accounts."

  He said it very tactfully and politely. In fact, after this incident became a big deal, there were no fewer people who scolded Nie Qixing on ins than Zhang Yin.

  Most people scolded Nie Qixing even more.

  Who let Nie Qixing bear the name of a scientist, but has something to do with this kind of shady business, and is even one of the shareholders of the smelly club.

   That alone is enough to make him a sieve on social media.

But Zhou Zheng couldn't say that directly, so he could only use the most euphemistic way to put all the faults on Zhang Yin alone: ​​"I know that you are not such a person, Young Master Qi, but if you let the public opinion continue to ferment like this, I'm afraid ...After a long time, we will be nailed to the pillar of shame one by one."

  Nie Qixing didn't expect this. Without saying a word, he got up and went to the bedroom to find his mobile phone, first logged in to his social account, and looked down.

  He has a social account with more than 1 million followers.

   This number of fans is not particularly top traffic on ins, but it is definitely the only one among scientists.

  He is young and knowledgeable. He rarely posts photos of himself, and usually posts content from laboratories or scientific journals.

   But this has attracted the attention of young people even more. Many fans regard him as a myth, thinking that he is the most friendly, young and talented scientist.

  Usually Nie Qixing often sees compliments on him on it, but this time when he opened the backstage private messages, thousands of private messages were all unsightly insults to him.

   Every word is vicious and ugly.

  What kind of hypocrite, masked person, sanctimonious clown, double-faced person, etc., the more ugly words, the more words.

  Nie Qixing couldn't read any more after reading a few private messages. He threw his phone on the sofa, sat back, looked up and asked Zhou Zheng, "Do they have evidence?"

   It was the first time for Zhou Zheng to see him in such a mess, his voice was also hoarse, and he immediately reacted and shook his head and said, "No, no, right? I didn't see any evidence from the media."

Nie Qixing himself felt that it was impossible for Qiao Nian to obtain real evidence, but Qiao Nian's hand made him burnt out: "They dare to talk nonsense in the media without evidence? Also, what about our people? What's going on, why? Let them spread this kind of news?"

Nie Qixing thought he was suppressing his anger as much as possible, but Zhou Zheng was taken aback by his gloomy face, and said more cautiously: "I don't know how this news got out... But this kind of thing doesn't need evidence, just media Letting out the wind can easily ferment to an irreparable level.”

  (end of this chapter)

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