Published at 27th of April 2021 02:50:30 PM

Chapter 319: 319

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Chapter 319 The Same Virtue with Qiao An

This voice is contrived.

is very personal and distinctive!

Qiao Nian stopped, with his hands in his pockets, his eyes were filled with intense impatientness, he didn't even want to talk to the man walking towards them.

Liang Bowen: "Sister Nian, it's Fu Ge."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian raised a trace of anger at the end of his eyes.

Chen Yuan was very defensive. He stared at the people who came by, lowered his voice, and said unhappily, "What else does he want to do?"

A group of people in Class A know about his relationship with Qiao Ai, and everyone's expressions don't seem to welcome him.

Fu Ge walked in front of the crowd in a blink of an eye, and looked straight at the girl who was standing in the middle of the crowd, who was obviously not a C, but had her own aura. His gaze settled, and said: "Qiao Nian, can you talk alone? I have something to tell you."

"What can I say directly!"


Qiao Nian is wearing a simple black vest today with a blue shirt, her slender legs are wrapped in jeans, a pair of Converse black high-top canvas shoes are on her feet, and a shoulder schoolbag is on her shoulders.

This kind of simple dressing may be unremarkable for any high school girl, wearing it on her body will just be worn out by her!

The kind of wildness is like a lone wolf.

Fu Ge stared at her, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he first met her. It seemed so amazing. After being surprised, she couldn't help but be attracted to her, and then treated her well. He chased her for more than a year before chasing people... …At the beginning, he was like a treasure, wishing to give her the best things in the world, but the more he got along, the more tired he got.

A girlfriend who can't hold hands, can't hug and can't kiss, can only watch like a flower of Gaoling forever.

The other is a caring, gentle and innocent sister. She loves her cutely, and gives him the first time desperately.

is a man who knows how to choose between the two. He just made the choice that all men would make. In the end, why did everyone say he was wrong?

Fu Ge wanted to talk to her alone. Seeing that she didn't mean to step down her own steps, she couldn't help but pursed her thin lips. Her handsome face was holding back her anger, and she turned around and said to some friends around Qiao Nian: "Hello, I want to say a few words to her alone, if it is convenient, can we stay alone for a while"

He still looks very good in appearance, otherwise he would not have been selected as a lieutenant high school. He is also a famous legendary senior in a high school. It is said that the younger brothers and sisters below all listen to him.

Who ever thought that neither Liang Bowen nor Shen Qingqing meant to move.

Chen Yuan also directly said: “Sister Nian didn’t let us go, why did we go? You didn’t say anything shameful, just say it if you want to, don’t pull it down, don’t stand in our way!”

This attitude, just a batch!

Fu Ge took a deep breath, looked at him with a dark eye, as if he recognized who he was, and suddenly laughed and said, "Are you Chen Yuan? Aunt Chen..."

Before he finished his words, Chen Yuan interrupted him with no expression on his face, and said indifferently: "My mother is fine. She used to be a housekeeper at Qiao's house, but she has resigned for a long time. Now we have opened a Mala Tang. My classmates have all gone to eat at the small stalls! If you want to talk about my mother's former housekeeping aunt, you don't have to. She is working hard to earn money for me to study. I don't think she is ashamed!"

(End of this chapter)

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