Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:40:38 AM

Chapter 3266: Master Wang just treats him like a monkey

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  Chapter 3266 The master just treats him like a monkey to play

Ye Wangchuan saw Li Xin who was dancing, and then looked at the extremely impatient expression on Qiao Nian's face, raised his thin lips, and looked at Li Xin wantonly with his deep eyes: "Why tell him so much, just block it!" .”


   Li Xin froze for a moment.

   Immediately felt that Ye Wangchuan was bragging.

  What ability does Beijing have to block him?

  He is not from the No. 9 Institute of Beijing.

  He just moved his lips to laugh.

  Who knew that Ye Wangchuan looked at him, Shi Shiran said: "Follow Dean Feng, he should be happy to ban this scum."

  The corners of Li Xin's mouth were raised, and his lips trembled again when he was half-pull, a bad premonition came to his mind.

  Qin Si came over to listen to it at this time, and answered with a grin: "Wang Ye, are you talking about Dean Feng Yu?"

  Feng Yu!

  President of the First Research Institute of Independent Continent.

  The exhibition hall is that big.

  Qin Si's voice is not low.

   In this way, there are many people who pay attention to this side, and many people have heard the name he mentioned.

  Many people looked at the very low-key girl with surprised eyes. The girl just came here as an entourage this time.

  If she hadn't had a conflict with Li Xin, few people would have paid attention to her.

  But it’s Mr. Auburn again, and Dean Feng again...

  Many people have a big question mark in their minds - who is she!

   "Let me talk." Ye Wangchuan took out his mobile phone at this moment, as if to make a call.

  Qin Si glanced at Li Xin whose shoulders were trembling, gloated and said, "Indeed, let's just ban this kind of person, so as not to endanger the society."

  Li Xin's heart was fluctuating, and he was really not sure whether Qiao Nian knew Feng Yu or not. After all, from the beginning to the end, the girls just listened to Qin Si and the others without expressing their views.

  But a strong sense of uneasiness surged in his heart, and Li Xin couldn't bear it after all. Before Ye Wangchuan got on the phone, he tremblingly said: "I apologize!"

  Ye Wangchuan paused when he dialed the phone, and squinted at the past.

   Li Xin himself was scared to death: "Don't hit me, I apologize!"

  Apology + not participating in the competition for three years, it is just that you can't climb up within three years.

  But if the First Research Institute came forward to block him.

  That's not a three-year problem.

  Ye Wangchuan raised his thin lips: "Are you sure?"

  Li Xin nodded like pecking at rice, fearing that the other party would go back on his word: "Sure, I apologize, and just follow the previous bet."

  He didn't pretend to be stupid any more, and ran towards Master Zhuncheng in a hurry, afraid that Ye Wangchuan would not give him a chance to apologize if he took a step too late.

   Wait for him to run away.

  Qiao Nian saw sharply that someone had put down the phone without the number he said, but hadn't even turned on the fingerprint lock on the screen. He completely played Li Xin like a monkey.

  Bull B.

  She rubbed her temples and said to Ye Wangchuan: "Let's go back first."

at this time.

  A figure stood in front of the two of them.

  Qiao Nian looked up and saw Nie Qixing's sullen and gloomy face. He looked away and said, "Good dogs don't get in the way."

  Nie Qixing's eyes darkened, "I have something to ask you."

  Qiao Nian didn't intend to talk to him at all, just bypassed him and left.

  This attitude of not taking people seriously angered Nie Qixing. He supported the wheelchair with both hands and struggled to stand up, with blue veins on his forehead: "Qiao Nian, don't you feel guilty for causing me like this?!"

  Before, there were many spectators standing around.

  These guys haven't quite spread out yet.

  As soon as Li Xin left, Nie Qixing came to look for Qiao Nian on the back, and those who were planning to leave did not.

  (end of this chapter)

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