Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:28:30 AM

Chapter 3489: These people really want to take advantage of the opportunity to miss sister

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  Chapter 3489 These people really want to take advantage of the opportunity to miss sister

   "Tsk~ President Simon is too ruthless!"

  The young man is still relatively restrained in his words and deeds in front of people. Seeing that Simon cleared the scene, only the two of them were left in the villa. He raised his legs and put them on the coffee table unscrupulously. His long legs wrapped in short boots were flamboyant and slender.

   "I've come to find you something."

  Simon squinted his eyes to see that he was as chic as if he was in his own home, his eyes were dark, and he went around him to get a glass of water: "What's the matter."

   "About Qiao Nian." The young man said calmly.

  Simon shook his hand holding the water glass, and almost missed it. His heart was by no means as calm as it seemed on the surface, and he looked directly at the man: "What do you want to do?"

   "Don't be so nervous." The young man smiled.

   Seeing that his smile did not ease the tension between the two parties, he shrugged indifferently and reminded Simon: "We didn't agree to cooperate, I came to you just to cooperate."


  Simon is not a kid, and he didn't talk to him.

  He continued to say indifferently: "Now the opportunity has come. I got the latest news that Qiao Nian will represent Ji's family to participate in the Independent State Treasure Hunt~"

  Simon only felt an invisible big hand grabbing his neck, and his voice was difficult: "You mean you want me to attack her in the Treasure Hunting Conference?"

  The young man glanced at him as if to say he wasn't stupid.

  Simon's face sank, he put the water glass heavily on the coffee table, and immediately sneered: "I promised to cooperate with you, but it doesn't mean I'm a fool."

   "Cooperation is an agreement based on the efforts of both parties. Why should I unilaterally take the risk to help you get rid of Qiao Nian?"

   "You should know better than me what it means to move her! The Union of Chambers of Commerce can't afford the anger and revenge from Yaomen and F Continent."

  He was also so angry that he spoke so badly, and he almost broke his face with the other party.

  The young man gave him a gesture of calming down, and the corners of his mouth never let go, as if he expected him to react like this.

   "I'm not betraying my partner yet."

   "Then what do you mean?"

  Simon didn't buy it!

  The young man folded his legs and tilted his head to look at him: "I released the news that Qiao Nian has the complete design of the Tsar in his hand. Guess how many people in Independent Continent don't want to take this opportunity to get the design of the Tsar."


   "If a single person who wants her life will be retaliated by State F, then everyone will participate. Will David in State F blow up Independent Continent for her?"

  The young man spoke very casually, as if he was chatting with him about daily chores, his tone did not fluctuate, and was flat.

  However, all the words he said caused a storm here in Simon.

  Simon can be regarded as a generation of heroes, otherwise he would not be able to lead the Chamber of Commerce Alliance from a low-level small league to its current status.

  He thinks he is decisive, daring to think and act.

   It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was just an ordinary person.

  The man in front of him looks more like a lunatic.

   The poisonous snake lurking in the dark, sinister and vicious, unscrupulous!

  But he had to admit that the method proposed by the other party was very good, and it was the only way to save himself and get rid of Qiao Nian.


  No matter how many and complicated the forces behind Qiao Nian are, if everyone joins in and starts a hunt that day.

   Neither the First Research Institute nor David, the weapons dealer, nor the Ji family, nor Yaomen could be held accountable.

   This is the only way to solve Qiao Nian.

   Just too mean!

  (end of this chapter)

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