Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:28:07 AM

Chapter 3506: I'm really looking forward to seeing Miss Nian's excitement

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   "Hehe, an outsider makes him unable to even see his own grandmother."


Even if Simon, who was standing opposite her, wanted to pretend he couldn't hear, he couldn't really pretend that he was deaf, so he had to cover the corners of his lips with a champagne glass, and said awkwardly and politely: "Ji Shao is also too concerned about this event. "

  The old lady Xie twitched the corners of her mouth, her face was full of displeasure, she obviously didn't take Simon's words seriously, and wrote her disapproval on her face.

  Simon also treated her politely, not really treating people like Mrs. Xie at the same level as Ji Lingfeng and Feng Yu.

Seeing that the other party was disrespecting the old with his age, and didn't know how to look at his face smoothly, the smile on his face faded. He put the champagne glass back on the waiter's tray, dusted off the wrinkles on the suit, and said to the old lady Xie: "Madam, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

  He made an apologetic expression, but his attitude was very casual.

  Old lady Xie's face froze, and it was obvious that Simon didn't take herself seriously, so she could only swallow her breath and nodded: "President Simon, go get busy."

  Simon said sorry, turned his head and talked to the assistant beside him, and then strode away from here.

   "Mom." At this moment, Xie's mother came over to help the old lady Xie's arm.

  The old lady was very angry, she didn't look good, she even pretended that she wasn't there, she pressed her eyes and gritted her teeth and said, "What does he think he is, and he has the attitude like me!"

   Mrs. Xie knew it in her heart.

  The reason why these people are not as warm to her as before, has something to do with her falling out with Xie Tingyun and Xie Yun before.

   It's just that she has been used to being strong all her life, and seeing such a big difference in treatment, she can't accept it in her heart, and it's even more uncomfortable.

  When she felt unwell, she thought of Xie Yun who didn't even go home, and Ji Nan left today without even saying hello to her.

  The old lady Xie couldn't hide her meanness and lowered her voice: "Hmph, I'm waiting to see them make a fool of themselves!"

   Finished speaking.

  She didn't look at Xie's mother's expression, she turned her head and said coldly, "We'll go there too."

  She can't wait to see how Ji's family fell to the altar this time.

  Mother Xie smiled, not as gloating as the old lady Xie showed on her face, but her eyes were full of gloating and joyful light.

  She carefully supported Mrs. Xie's arm, and said in a relaxed and cheerful tone, "Mom, walk slowly."


  In Mingshui Mansion.

  People who have passed the inspection have entered the villa one after another.

   This is a townhouse.

   It is said that it is a villa, but in fact, it is more similar to the medieval style of an ancient castle in terms of floor area and architectural style.

  The villa is big enough and there are enough rooms inside. The corridors of various similar rooms look like a maze, and you will get lost in it if you don't pay attention.

   When Qiao Nian and the others went in, he could no longer see where the people who went in first went.

   Judging from her experience of sniping in the wild in F continent.

   Those people should have found a safe hiding place when they came in, and they were going to observe the terrain before going out to find diamonds.

  Other people may hold the mentality of sitting on the ground for profit, and hide themselves well before they come out.

  Wait until the competition outside is almost the same, and the consumption is almost the same, and then they come out and easily collect the things in their pockets.


  Qiao Nian hadn't figured out which method she would use to get the diamonds, but raised her eyes to observe the surrounding environment first.

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