Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:23:45 AM

Chapter 3597: Still haven't blocked the mechanism inside

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  Chapter 3597 Still didn’t guard against the mechanism inside

   Qiao Nian didn't touch it casually.

  Her eyes mainly fell on the lower floor.

  There are only two things on the bottom floor, a porcelain bottle with only an inch long and a black agate box, and there is an old photo next to these two things.

  Qiao Nian slowly picked up the photo.

   This should be a photo from decades ago.

  Even if it is well preserved, the edges of the photo are showing signs of age, the edges are turning yellow, and the colors on the photo will start to fade when they come into contact with the air.

  Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes and saw that the person in the photo was not Nie Qingru or Ji Qing, but a young man.

  When the photo was taken, the man in the photo probably just came of age, and his early 20s made him look youthful and energetic.

  He smiled brightly at the camera, showing a mouthful of dazzling white teeth, and he could feel the momentary happiness of the person in the photo through the photo.

  …Who is this guy?

  Qiao Nian pinched the photo in his hand, and for a moment couldn't figure out the identity of the person in the photo that Nie Qingru took pains to hide.

  She took the photo with her first, and then checked the time on her phone. There were only four minutes left.

  Such a short time allowed her to think about other things, and she didn't have time to distinguish whether the antidote was in a porcelain bottle or an agate box.

   She only has two full belts on.

  Porcelain bottles are smaller and easier to put away.

  Qiao Nian took the porcelain bottle first.

   Then she reached for the agate box, and the moment she picked it up, she saw that there was a hidden button at the bottom of the box.

  The hidden button is pressed by the box, as long as no one moves the box, the mechanism will not be triggered.

  But once someone takes the box without knowing it, and loses the weight of the box itself, the hidden buckle will pop out immediately.


  A light flashed in Qiao Nian's mind, and his body instinctively carried the box and rolled backwards faster than he could think, and at the same time shot the machine crossbow in all directions.

  The cold and dark arrows shot towards her from all sides of the wall, but if Qiao Nian was a second behind, he would be shot into a sieve and killed on the spot.

  Although she was strong and agile, she lowered her head and rolled to avoid the hidden arrows at the first time, but she couldn't prevent this deadly trick.

  Right arm was pierced by a sharp arrow, Qiao Nian's brain tensed up, resisting the sudden pain that swept through his brain, he clutched his arm and stepped back...

  She just took a step out.

  The entire vault sounded the alarm, and red lights flashed in the vault, at least three minutes earlier than she expected.

  Qiao Nian clutched his arm and raised his head, looking directly at the direction of the hidden surveillance camera in the vault, with no extra expression on his face.

   It is almost certain that there is no problem with her chip, but that the alarm system of the entire vault has been triggered the moment she moved the box!

   Judging by Nie Qingru's strict control over the box, one can imagine with his toes that the alarm must have connected to Nie Qingru's mobile phone.

   At the same time the alarm sounded on her side, Nie Qingru had already received the message—


  Facts have proved that Qiao Nian is right.

   Outside the charity dinner.

  Miss Sippoll had just sent this distinguished guest to the intersection, and was about to say a few last greetings.

  She heard Nie Qingru's cell phone ringing. It wasn't a normal incoming call, but a sound similar to a radar alarm.

She was dazed for a moment, but before she could react, she saw that Her Majesty, who had always been proud and honorable, suddenly changed her face, took out her mobile phone in a gaffe, and stared at it, her eyes and the aura she exuded were extremely terrifying, It's like being stepped on the bottom line.

  (end of this chapter)

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