Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:23:13 AM

Chapter 3611: Slag thought he was a cat catching mice

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  Chapter 3611 Slag thought he was a cat catching mice

  At the same time, the sails of the luxury ferry were raised, and the huge K letter on the white sails was recklessly hunting in the sea breeze.

  At this moment, all the ferries in the port were prohibited from leaving, and the only ferry that left naturally attracted everyone's attention.

  Some people were surprised, some were dissatisfied, and some were dumbfounded.

  In short, no one thought that there would be a ferry that could leave Hong Kong despite the ban of the hidden family...

   "What's the matter with that ship? Why can they go, but we can't?!" Some people were so angry that they gritted their teeth and stomped their feet.

Those with a little insight and knowledge of the inside story hurriedly made a booing gesture to him: "My ancestors, please shut up. Didn't you see the sign on the sail? That's the ferry of Cage, the largest weapons dealer in continent F. , of course they can leave."

  Some people didn’t recognize the K logo on the sails, they stared blankly at the departing ferry, and murmured, “Who is that?”


  At the same time, a black Rolls-Royce galloped on the way to the port.

  Nie Qingru spoke very little along the way, and she said coldly until she was almost at the port: "Are you sure that car is parked outside the pier?"

  Shadow sits in the co-pilot seat, watching his eyes and nose: "This subordinate is sure."

  Nie Qingru sneered three times: "I thought she was capable, but she wanted to go on the high seas."

   If she catches someone, she must be smashed to ashes to eliminate the hatred in her heart!

The shadow in front said softly to her: "If they want to leave state M, they can only choose the plane or the port. Now these two places are blocked by you. She probably only received the news that the airport is not allowed to travel, and she doesn't know that the port is also not allowed. Walk."

  Nie Qingru always thinks that Qiao Nian is not a reckless person. Since he didn't choose the plane, it's unlikely that he didn't check whether he can leave before coming to the port.

  But she is getting angry now, and she is not very rational. She is unwilling to delve into the small details, and only thinks that things are really what the shadow said.

   Qiao Nian lost his head in a hurry.

   "Don't blame me for being rude when she bumps into my hand!"

   At this moment, the black Rolls-Royce drove all the way into the dock and stopped at the innermost part of the port.

  After parking the car, the driver turned around and said to the distinguished woman in the back row: "Queen, the port is here."

  Nie Qingru took off the velvet gloves, and sneered thoughtfully before getting out of the car: "Where do you think this little mouse in the gutter will hide when it finds out that it can't get away? It should be near the container that the mouse should be carrying."

  Qiao Nian arrived at the pier one step ahead of her, counting the time, she should find that she couldn't leave.

  Based on Qiao Nian's character, she can probably guess that she will catch up, so what follows is a classic game of cat and mouse.

  She is a cat who takes care of herself, while the little evil is a mouse running around with her head in her arms. Once the mouse is caught, the cat has the right to decide whether to live or die.

  Shadow opened the car door for her as silently as a mountain, and stood respectfully outside the car door waiting for her to get off.

Nie Qingru sneered and stepped down on the ground: "If she didn't touch the box, I would give her a good time for her mother's sake. But she shouldn't, absolutely, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, and this time I It will teach her to be humble!"

   Something that my mother didn't teach me since I was a child, really can't be put on the stage!

  Nie Qingru couldn't hide the extreme disgust on her face. After getting off the car, she looked at the sea surface from the corner of her eye. She thought she would see the calm sea level, but she was the first to notice the bright spot on the sea surface. A ferry was leaving the port...

  Nie Qingru's complexion changed suddenly, and he pointed over there: "What's going on!"

  (end of this chapter)

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