Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:19:17 AM

Chapter 3711: Some people are born to be the focus

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  Chapter 3711 Some people are born to be the focus

The middle-aged woman was full of surprise and couldn't restrain her emotions, but she still shook hands with Qiao Nian politely, and said in an emphatic tone: "I have read your article. I am very interested in the techniques you wrote about brain surgery, and I have always wanted to contact you. You discussed these technologies in private, but you never expected to meet you here at the end of life. I will seize the opportunity to ask for advice later."

"You are welcome."

   Qiao Nian has a good attitude.

  The middle-aged woman changed her attitude of ignoring Qiao Nian at the beginning, and invited the two of them to the table. During this period, she mainly asked Zhong Liuliu, and secondly, Qiao Nian also asked a lot of technical questions about the surgery.

  Qiao Nian mentioned Chinese medicine to her, Amway, the craniotomy surgery recorded in ancient times, and some herbal medicines with natural anesthetic ingredients discovered by Chinese medicine long ago.

  The middle-aged woman listened fascinatedly, as if opening the door to a new world, and asked Qiao Nian several questions related to Chinese medicine.

  Qiao Nian was very patient when talking about Chinese medicine, and gave her answers one by one. By the way, he talked about acupuncture and rehabilitation of Chinese medicine, and its therapeutic effect on stroke and polio.

  China's 5,000-year-old civilization did not come by chance, from Qiao Nian's mention of craniotomy to the discussion of acupuncture and moxibustion for stroke hemiplegia.

  The middle-aged woman became more serious as she listened, and her expression became more solemn as she listened. She fell into deep thought several times in the middle, as if she was thinking while listening.

  Besides her, everyone else at the table also listened to a lot.

  They quickly discovered that Qiao Nian was not just a showman brought by Zhong Liuliu. She was calm and calm. She had a lot of knowledge that they didn't get involved in, and she answered questions fluently about many technical skills... She is a person with real skills.

Sitting in it, Hua Ci was worried that Qiao Nian would be embarrassed when she recognized her at the beginning, but later found that Qiao Nian didn't seem to notice her humiliation at all... and then saw that the whole audience was overwhelmed by the girl's convincing expression. The aura was under control, and everyone's eyes unconsciously followed Qiao Nian.

  Her expression became complicated.

  Qiao Nian is not a person who likes to show off, and she doesn't speak that kind of eloquent talk, but a very willful, even careless tone of voice.

  But some people sit there like a light, the focal point of all eyes!

  Hua Ci recalled that he had asked this person in front of him with a sarcasm yesterday—‘Are you a doctor? '

  Now I hear the girl chatting indifferently and casually with her team leader about the technology in the field that she is not qualified to touch.

  She just felt as if she had received a loud slap in the face where no one saw it. No one cared, but it hurt a lot.

   The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal.

  After the meal, the middle-aged woman was still unsatisfied and wanted to drag Qiao Nian to continue discussing the previous technical topics, and wanted to ask more questions.

  However, Qiao Nian was not familiar with them, and had no obligation to explain their doubts to them. He was just helping Zhong Liuliu to repay a small favor.

  So when the other party proposed to continue the chat in another place, she found a reason to refuse.

  Zhong Liuliu also proposed to go back to the hospital by the way at this time.

  Although the middle-aged woman was extremely disappointed, she still politely brought Zhong Liuliu and Qiao Nian outside the hotel with a group of people from the medical organization, and thanked Zhongliu Liu for taking time out to have dinner with them again.

  Qiao Nian helped Zhong Liuliu block most of the interruptions at the table, and now he is not interested in listening to the other party's interpersonal communication, so he walked to the side and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

  Hua Ci found an opportunity to approach the past at this time: "Joe, Qiao Nian."

  (end of this chapter)

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