Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:18:03 AM

Chapter 3738: Sister Nian sends Zhong Liuliu away

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  Chapter 3738 Sister Nian sent Zhong Liuliu away

  She wanted to see what made Ji Qing never regret that she would rather be bombed to death on the sea than to hide what it was.

  Where the Tao is.

  Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there, and I will never regret it after nine deaths!

   Qiao left without a sound after reading, leaving only Ji Lingfeng with half of his body leaning out of the hospital bed, reaching out to catch the slanting sunlight on the ground.

  The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant.

  He seems to have returned to twenty years ago...



  Ji Nan and Xie Yun waited until she came out before walking forward. Jin Nan touched her shoulder and said with concern: "What did my dad tell you?"

  Qiao Nian was so interested that she didn't even bother to droop her eyelids: "It's nothing."

   Seeing that they had been talking inside for so long, Ji Nan came out without saying anything as if he knew it was impossible to tell her, and was about to ask again.

   Xie Yun tugged on his cuff, signaling him not to ask.

  Ji Nan held back his curiosity, took the car keys and said to the girl, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

  Qiao Nian didn't ask him to send him off, but asked him to stay and accompany Ji Lingfeng back to the old house to recuperate. He went to find Zhong Liuliu again and arranged for him to fly back.

  She called Guan Yan, and Guan Yan arranged the itinerary in just a few words, and sent a car to pick him up.

  Qiao Nian called Zhongliu Liu to Independence Island, and when she left, she was the one who went to see him off, watching Zhong Liuliu get on the plane, and the plane taxied off and disappeared into the blue sea and blue sky.

  She turned around and turned back.


  Ji Lingfeng recovered and was discharged from the hospital and returned to Ji's family. The Ji family, which had been in turmoil for more than half a year, finally settled down.

  Ji Lingfeng is a vigorous and resolute person.

  On the third day after he went back, he began to liquidate the people who were ready to move during his absence, and pulled out the nails in the lower halls.

  He called several elders of the Ji family to Juyi Hall.

  He has always been a tough person, and he didn't say much after everyone came. Xie Yun pushed the wheelchair to the conference table, and threw a thick stack of investigation materials in front of the elders.

   "See for yourselves."

   Several elders silently picked up the documents thrown in front of them in a dignified atmosphere, and looked at them one by one, the more they looked, the worse their expressions became.

  These documents carefully list the good things they have done in private during this period, including forming cliques in private and colluding with outside forces.

  The elders who were named looked at it in awe, and moved their hands holding the document away a little, not daring to read any more.

   "Have you finished watching?" Ji Lingfeng asked calmly when he saw that a few people headed by the second elder stopped watching first.

  The second elder of the Ji family and the others couldn't hold back their face, covered their lips and coughed in embarrassment, and their eyes wandered: "Ahem, patriarch, why did you let us see this? These are all misunderstandings. The situation at that time was too complicated. We..."

   "Everyone is my elders, uncles and uncles." Ji Lingfeng interrupted him forcefully.

  The anxiety in the heart of the second elder of the Ji family eased a little when he heard this. It seems that the patriarch's words are not as serious as he imagined.

Who knows that Ji Lingfeng changed the subject: "It stands to reason that I shouldn't care about you if I don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, but I have passed through the gate of **** once, and I have seen many things. Second uncle is getting old, and he should Have a good rest, don't you think?"

  He named several names one after another.

  It’s all the elders who are very active this time.

  The reason why these people can be active during this period of time is because they not only have high seniority in the Ji family, but also have a high status, and they hold a lot of business in the Ji family.

  Ji Lingfeng's attack without warning undoubtedly slapped everyone in the face.

  (end of this chapter)

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