Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:18:00 AM

Chapter 3740: Sister Nian: No, charge them twice the price

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  Chapter 3740 Sister Nian: No, charge them twice the price

  In the next few days, Qiao Nian locked himself in the laboratory more and more to solve the last secret in the USB flash drive.

  She goes out at eight o'clock in the morning and doesn't go back until ninety o'clock in the evening.

  If it wasn't for Ye Wangchuan's insistence on bringing her meals and picking her up every day, Qiao Nian might even simply live in the laboratory and be too lazy to move.

   Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan was at home, and someone was watching over her, so Qiao Niancai didn't spend all her food and lodging in the First Research Institute as before.


as time flows.

   In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

  Since the loss of the ledger happened, although Zhai Xicheng moved fast enough and ruthlessly to pinpoint the person in charge of the Leonard family, forcing the other party to let him go.

   But the report he worked so hard to make was also nothing.

   As a result, the Leonard family was of course unwilling to endure their nausea and continue working for Nie Qingru, and immediately rejected the C-country project.

  Nie Qingru found a way to find other families to accept the project after the Leonard family rejected the project, but the technical requirements of this project in country C are too high.

  In Continent M, apart from the Leonard family having this technology, other forces are powerless even if they want to 'eat' this project.

   They showed country c several samples but failed to satisfy the other party. Country c also realized that they might have been deceived.

  So c country Maliu contacted the scientific research team of Shangqing University, and boldly proposed the willingness to cooperate again.

  Ye Maoshan called Qiao Nian as soon as he received the news.

  Qiao Nian was still in the laboratory at the time, and it was rare for him to find time to lean against the edge of the laboratory table when he received the call. His eyelashes drooped slightly, and he licked the corner of his lower lip. He said in a dry tone, "Do they want to cooperate again?"

  Ye Maoshan asked her very carefully: "Nian Nian, shall we pick it up?"

  Qiao Nian paused for a second, then smiled: "Okay. But that's a different price!"

  She quickly reported the number to Ye Maoshan, and doubled the price on the original basis, almost turning from a 10-digit order to an 11-digit one.

  Ye Maoshan was a little hesitant: "Is the price too high?"

  Qiao Nian is very confident: "They have no choice, but at this price, they will accept it."

  She paused, and without waiting for Ye Maoshan to speak, she continued casually: "If you don't teach them a lesson, there will be more such things in the future."

  Ye Maoshan understood: "Okay, I'll discuss it with your father later."

   "By the way, aren't you busy recently?" Ye Maoshan became concerned after talking about the business: "Don't be too busy, pay attention to rest."

  Qiao Nian replied him a few words vaguely, and after Ye Maoshan hung up the phone, he put the phone back into the locker, and when he returned, he said to Xu Yi with clear eyesight, "Come on, let's continue."


  The country c team soon received a reply from Beijing.

  Beijing City agrees to accept the order, and the conditions will be discussed separately.

  In the beginning, their team had an optimistic attitude, thinking that the so-called negotiation of conditions was just a formality because of Beijing’s benevolent style of doing things.

   Who knew that when it came to the negotiation field, the string of harsh conditions that Bo Jingxing threw out without saying a word made the negotiation team of country c blush on the spot.

  After some bargaining.

  The negotiating team led by Bo Jingxing didn't intend to make any concessions at all, the price was still the same price, and he didn't want to do it.

   In this way, the c-country team had no choice but to say with a dark face that they would go back to discuss it, and could not give an answer immediately.

  Bo Jingxing also held his breath, stood up and shook hands with the other party, and said as soon as his thin lips touched: "Please go ahead, we will wait for the news."

   It looks polite, but in fact, it has already won in terms of momentum.

  (end of this chapter)

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