Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:11:53 AM

Chapter 3833: Miss Nian was half an hour late

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  Chapter 3833 Sister Nian was half an hour late

  The assistant put away the tray and bowed respectfully to him: "Yes, Mr. Lu."

   In a blink of an eye, he and Nie Qingru were the only ones left in the office.

  Nie Qingru picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, showing a picky expression in his demeanor, and put it back after just touching it.

  Looked straight at Lu Zhi: "When will she come?"

  Lu Zhi drank his coffee in sips, relaxed his nerves, and leaned back in his chair a little tired: "Didn't you say three o'clock?"

  Nie Qingru saw his attitude of not taking it seriously, suppressed the anxiety that rushed up, tried to make herself look less anxious, and sat there counting the time.


  Qiao Nian didn't wake up until three o'clock.

  After waking up, she washed her face before she picked up the peaked cap on the table and put it on her head, and went out with her keys and mobile phone.

  By the time she arrived at Tianchen headquarters, she was already half an hour late.

  During the period, Lu Zhi called her once, because Qiao Nian was already on the way here at that time, so he didn't answer, and sent him a message telling him that he would be there soon.

   Later, Lu Zhi didn't urge her either.

  It is not the first time she has come to Tianchen.

  Qiao Nian pushed the door open and walked in familiarly, stepping on the brightly lit marble floor and walking straight to the elevator exclusive to Lu Zhi.

  She still dresses in her usual style, simple and comfortable, very low-key.

  So when she came in, the front desk didn't notice her. It wasn't until she saw Qiao Nian walking towards the exclusive elevator out of the corner of her eye that she frowned and turned to look over.

   "The man..."

  She originally wanted to say, 'Did that person go by mistake'.

   But soon reality slapped her. The front desk saw a girl in ordinary clothes and a peaked cap standing sideways with a unclear face, raising her hand to enter her fingerprints, and the elevator opened the door.

  The girl walked into the elevator in front of her and disappeared.

  The mouth of the front desk opened wide unconsciously, pointing in the direction of the elevator entrance as if he saw something the hell, unable to react for a long time.

  The colleague around her noticed her abnormal behavior, patted her, and said puzzledly, "What are you doing, what are you pointing there for?"

  The elevator has gone up now, and they can't see any difference from their perspective.

  Only the front desk witnessed Qiao Nian entering the elevator through fingerprint verification. She turned around and grabbed her colleague's shoulder excitedly and shook: "How many people's fingerprint codes are there in Mr. Lu's exclusive elevator?"

  Lu Zhi is obsessed with cleanliness.

   Few people can touch his stuff.

  So I never take the same elevator with other people in Tianchen, because I don’t want to stay in the same small space and get in touch.

  Similarly, he doesn't like other people using his elevator.

  Everyone in Tianchen knows that Lu Zhi's exclusive elevator has a fingerprint password, not everyone can use it, and no one will rub Lu Zhi's elevator without tact.

   "Are you crazy?"

   "Say it quickly."

   "...President Lu and Jianzhu had their fingerprints taken. Everyone knows, but you don't?"

  The front desk let go of her shoulders, and said in a daze, "I just saw that a person also has a password, and he has already taken the elevator up."

  Her colleague looked at her with a puzzled expression on her face, and reached out to touch her forehead to make sure she had no fever. Finally, she let go of her hand and said strangely, "Hey, I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"

   "I'm serious!" The receptionist grabbed her hand excitedly.

  The colleague saw her excited face, was stunned, and said in disbelief: "Someone really went up just now?"

   "It's true!"

  The two looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes, unable to guess the identity of the person who went up.

  (end of this chapter)

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