Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:09:45 AM

Chapter 3879: Drag it out and deal with it

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  The expression on Nie Qingru's face was completely gloomy, and there was no trace of a smile anymore, and the look in Qin Si's eyes revealed a murderous heart.

  She raised her hand and told the shadow: "Take him down... execute him!"


  Shadow has been patient for a long time, and is about to drag Qin Si out with two of his subordinates.

  The Qin family in Beijing is indeed a few families on the top of the pyramid. Originally, Nie Qingru would not make an enemy for himself.

   It's just that they are now in the illegal zone, which is an internationally recognized three-way zone.

  Even if Qin Si is the young master of the capital city, if something happens here, he will be at his own risk. The Qin family doesn't have the confidence to trouble her afterwards.

  Nie Qingru grasped this point and prepared to execute Qin Si who talked to her everywhere, even if it didn't matter to her whether she was killed or not.

   But she is not so compassionate, and if she does not kill, she can give orders lightly when she is in a bad mood.

   Who made these people just low-level people who didn't catch her eyes.

  She can easily decide the life and death of these people.

  Qin Si has always shown his timidity, and he has never been frightened and begged for mercy by his pampered son in the face of death threats as Nie Qingru imagined.

  He kept his back straight all the time, and did not lose the face of Jingshi at all. When he was pulled up by the mercenaries, he said in a very spineless voice: "I will go by myself!"

   "Hey!" Nie Qingru was moved to kill, and there was a sneer in his eyes, and he "kindly" called to stop the people under his command: "Let him go."

  The two mercenaries let go of their hands, but took a high look at Qin Si's behavior, and didn't deliberately make things difficult for him.

  Qin Si walked out step by step.

  There was no delay in the whole process, no turning back and begging for mercy... always holding your head up, walking steadily, with full backbone.

  Shadow followed him and loaded the gun silently, ready to go out to the courtyard and execute him, and asked someone to clean up the outside by the way.

   One second.

   Two seconds.

  Qin Si walked out of the hall, only glanced at the direction where Guan Yan was imprisoned without any trace, then calmly withdrew his gaze, and frankly prepared to face what happened next.

"bring it on."

  His voice was hoarse, and he tried his best to control his emotions.

Seeing him like this, Shadow was also silent for a moment, raised his gun to his temple, and said softly: "Actually, you shouldn't be against the empress. As long as you tell the empress what she wants to know, the empress will not want your life .”

   "I will not betray Sister Qiao." Qin Si closed his eyes, obviously too lazy to talk to him.

  Seeing his stubbornness, Shadow knew that he couldn't be persuaded anymore, so he was about to make a move.

  The voice was low: "One or two of you gave your life for her, and what did she do for you. She hasn't come to you now, which means she doesn't take you seriously. She only cares about her own safety..."

   Just at the critical moment.

   There was a noise of trotting outside, and then someone ran up to him and reported anxiously: "Master Shadow, IPA is here!"

  Shadow let go of the finger that pulled the trigger, frowned and looked at Qin Si who was calmly dying with his eyes closed, and felt that the IPA was coming for Qin Si.

  He hesitated for a moment, put down the pistol, took a deep breath and told the other two: "Take him down first."

  Then he turned sullenly and said to the person who came to him, "Let's go, take me there to meet them!"


  The man buried his head in leading the way, not daring to take a second look.

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