Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:08:03 AM

Chapter 3901: Sister Nian: I happen to have some money

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  Ye Wangchuan was not as easy as she was to get out of the ambiguous atmosphere just now. This is probably due to the natural difference between men and women, so his voice was still a little hoarse: "Huh?"

  His rising sound was like a feather brushing against Qiao Nian's ears. Qiao Nian couldn't help digging out his ears, his expression became complicated, and he looked at him: "You really don't want to think about it anymore?"

   "What are you thinking about?" Ye Wangchuan got the answer from her eyes, laughed suddenly, touched her forehead again, and turned to the topic: "I'm afraid it's not so easy to find."

  Zhai Xicheng is cunning and scheming. Since he intends to hide and create conflicts, no one will find him easily.

  Of course Qiao Nian knew this, he didn't care too much and said arrogantly: "I never thought that I must find him before."

   "Since I have made it clear that I want to find him, I am just looking for someone. Unless he is no longer in the illegal area, there is no one I can't find!"

  The illegal area is her territory.

  Even Nie Qingru was afraid.

   Zhai Xicheng thinks he can play cat and mouse with her in the illegal area, and thinks highly of himself.

   "From tomorrow onwards, I will have people from Hongmeng scattered all over the place search for him, and I will issue a reward order." Qiao Nian did what he said, and his actions were astonishing.

  Looking at Ye Wangchuan with deep eyes, she said: "The illegal zone is a zone where no one cares. Using power to oppress people here is worse than taking money."

   "There are not many people in the Hongmeng, but I can't stop me from spending money. She can spend money to find mercenaries to do things, and I can also find the same group of people to arrest people."

   This is a place to look at money.

  Many people do everything for money.

  Nie Qingru didn't want to play, she played to the end!


  The next day.

  There is a sky-high price reward task on the dark web channel in the illegal area.

   The task is simple, find someone.

  But the person who issued the mission was obviously very rich, and he charged a high price close to ten figures for this ordinary mission, and there were few missions of this amount in the illegal area.

   Besides, this task only needs to find this person.

  Fools don't grab.

  Suddenly, all classes and forces in the illegal area were discussing this matter.

   "Do you know a recent mission on the dark web?"

   "You mean a sky-high price task?"

   "Oops, I heard that the owner behind it is Hongmeng, and Sun personally issued a reward order. What do you think this guy named Zhai Xicheng is, and he is worthy of this mysterious boss?"

   "Ghost knows. I haven't even heard of it. I shouldn't be from the illegal area."

   "People from outside came to our illegal area?!"


  When Qiao Nian gave out the reward task, he also attached the basic information of Zhai Xicheng, including a recent photo for easy identification.

  The photo was synthesized by her using the customs photos left by Zhai Xicheng in Independence Island, and it was almost exactly the same as herself.

   It is estimated that Zhai Xicheng himself did not expect that the photo he left behind to play with people's hearts would become the ID photo that is now offering rewards everywhere.

   It's just that what he thinks has nothing to do with Qiao Nian.


   It was less than three days since Hongmeng released the task.

  Everyone in the illegal area treats this task as winning a lottery ticket. Many people are so excited that they try to find someone.

  Even ordinary people who have no connections want to try their luck and go for a walk on the street to see if they can pick up a few hundred million.

   Among them, the most active groups are mercenaries and professional gold diggers.

   Some of the professional gold diggers are bounty hunters themselves, and what they are best at doing is tracking treasure hunts.

  As for mercenaries, they have always been the masters who do everything for money.

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