Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:02:43 AM

Chapter 4011: Qiao Nian, how dare you!

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  Chapter 4011 Qiao Nian, how dare you!

   Zhai Xicheng's breathing was stagnant.

at this time.

  The footsteps at the door stopped.

   At the same time, a girl's voice came from a neutral voice: "Well, I found you."

Zhai Xicheng felt as if his heart had been hit by a sledge hammer, his chest trembled and hummed, his face suddenly turned pale, and almost immediately he nimbly knocked open the glass of the lounge with the safety hammer hanging on the wall, trying to get out and jump in. nautical mile.

   "Stop him!"

  As soon as Qiao Nian's voice fell, he also chased after him.

  While chasing, she immediately drew her gun, squinted at the afterimage by the window, and fired a shot.

   Just listen to 'Boom'!

   A gunshot.

  While shaking the seabirds moored on the boat, it precisely hit the left thigh of the fleeing person. Zhai Xicheng's left thigh slowed down, and bleeding bloomed around his leg.

  He almost cried out in pain.

  He clutched his leg, resisting the maddening pain and preparing to continue to escape.

  Unexpectedly, the girl's voice was approaching behind her, and she said coldly: "Stop. I've already aimed at your temple. I'll count to three. Don't blame me for shooting if you don't stop."

  Qiao Nian didn't even give him time to think.

   Start counting in a deep voice.


  In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Zhai Xicheng's mind, piled up in a mess, his movements slowed down, and his back was stiff.


  His heart began to beat fast, and he was about to throw himself out.


  Time suddenly slowed down endlessly in his eyes, and he even heard the sound of Qiao Nian pulling the safety catch behind him.

  Zhai Xicheng didn't dare to bet whether Qiao Nian aimed at his temple or not, he stopped in his footsteps, his face was extremely embarrassed, he raised his hands and turned around slowly.

  Looking into the playful eyes of the other party, I knew I had been fooled.

   But at this moment, he didn't even dare to feel angry. He raised his hand and said in a low voice, "I surrender."

   Qiao Nian was only a few steps away from him, and quickly walked up to him, and opened the magazine in front of him. Zhai Xicheng clearly saw that Qiao Nian's magazine was out of bullets.

  Aware of the other party's intentions, he glanced over.

  Qiao Nian raised his peaked cap, a pair of beautiful and cold eyes met his gaze, sneered, and casually admitted: "Playing with you."

  Zhai Xicheng bit his lips tightly, afraid that he would lose control of his emotions, but even if he tried hard to control himself, he couldn't hide his trembling shoulders and his eyes that wanted to tear Qiao Nian apart.

  Seeing the anger in his eyes, Qiao Nian smiled, put away the magazine casually, and said softly, "Why, I thought you liked playing games."

   "You should like this feeling of playing with people's hearts."

  Seeing his current situation clearly, Zhai Xicheng was much calmer, and said hoarsely to the girl, "Do you want to see me joke?"

  He doesn't lose his composure.

  Qiao Nian is going to be disappointed!

  Who knew that the girl glanced at him lightly, as if hearing a joke, put away her gun: "I see what you are joking about? You are not that valuable. Don't take yourself too seriously!"

  When Zhai Xicheng was once again so angry that his blood surged, and he was trying to endure the humiliation at the moment.

  Qiao Nian had already turned his back on him, turned around and said, "Take off his hands, throw him on the speedboat and take him away."

  Zhai Xicheng suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot and looked over: "Qiao Nian, how dare you!"

  How dare she?

  She didn't know how much Nie Qingru valued herself? If she hurt herself, Nie Qingru would definitely not give her a good look if she knew it.

  However, the girl didn't stop walking, and waved her hand at them: "Come on."

  (end of this chapter)

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