Published at 27th of March 2023 05:29:11 AM

Chapter 4102: Mr. Nie wouldn't want to mention the Zhai family

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   "Even if we will cooperate with the other party, we must go through a lot of consideration and hold a shareholder meeting to pass the decision before we can cooperate again."

  He looked at Nie Qingru, who was sitting upright, and threw the question back.

   "So I would like to ask Mr. Nie, what makes such a partner able to **** blood from the bank and take away bank projects time and time again?"

  He did not attack Nie Qingru in terms of decision-making, but chose an unexpected point to attack.

  Nie Qingru undoubtedly has a certain amount of ability on his body. It is difficult for him to succeed in changing people just by looking for reasons from Nie Qingru.

   But Nie Qingru is followed by a group of vampire-like family members, and these are the main points he wants to talk about today.

Many people in Smith Bank have long been extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of the Nie family in the bank to get credit cards. With the shocking data on this document thrown out by Steve, they reminded them that Nie Tao and others oppressed them. The past of swaggering on the head.

  Shareholders are quite irritated.

Someone snorted, put the paper on the table vigorously, and said in a low voice: "Yes! Director Steve is right. The bank is not a tool for someone to extract profits, nor is it the back garden of Nie's family. Mr. Nie wants to If you want to be re-elected, you have to give everyone an explanation!"

   Someone pretended to be gentle and easy to talk: "Indeed, it would be too much if I didn't give an explanation."

  Nie Qingru was still looking at the document in his hand, his face was livid and ugly, the finger bones holding the paper were pale, and he grabbed the edge hard, almost crumpling the document in his hand.

   Fortunately, she still has some sanity in her body, so she won't lose her mind due to the good deeds done by her family. After she lost her composure briefly, she quickly adjusted her state.

   "I didn't know about these things beforehand, and no one ever mentioned them to me."

   "Mr. Nie said so, I'm afraid everyone will be very satisfied." Of course Steve will not let her go easily.

  Nie Qingru raised her eyelids and looked at him again.

  Steve had already figured out from Lei Kai the attitudes of the several giants of the Privy Council, so naturally he would not be afraid of Nie Qingru, who was no longer the empress.

"Mr. Nie, it has nothing to do with you that we want to change people. The main reason is that you have brought too many nepotism, and these bad relationships affect the normal operation of the bank. We need a more fair person to represent everyone's interests... "

  Nie Qingru heard him tearing apart to express that he wanted to change, his expression changed from indifference to gloomy, and he suppressed the sullen look between his brows that was about to rain.

  She sat up, put her hands on the round conference table and looked around at everyone.

   "I'm not only related to the Nie family, but also to the Ji family in Independent State."

  The expressions of everyone in the conference room changed slightly, and they began to re-examine her.

   But some people have heard that her relationship with Independent Island is not as harmonious as imagined. The current head of the Ji family has no blood relationship with Nie Qingru, so she may not support her nominal mother.

  One more... The Ji family in Independent Continent has a great reputation, but without the existence of BT like Ji Wu Falcon, the years under Ji Lingfeng's leadership can only be regarded as useless.

  The Ji family is no longer the existence that everyone in the hidden family feared!

  Nie Qingru's mention of Ji's family in Independence Island now doesn't have the deterrent effect he wanted. Everyone just relaxed after a short period of tension.

   Including Steve.

   "Mr. Nie, what exactly do you want to say?"

  Nie Qingru was annoyed that he didn't give her face, her face remained calm, Shi Shiran said: "Besides Ji's family, there is another person beside me."

  Steve disapproved and said, "Mr. Nie, you don't want to mention the Zhai family, do you?"

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