Published at 5th of May 2023 06:55:46 AM

Chapter 4249: I can tell at a glance that Master Wang has found someone

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  Chapter 4249 I can tell at a glance that I have found someone

  Yuan Yongqin seemed to be waiting for her.

  Qiao Nian hadn't packed up her things and left the room when Yuan Yongqin called.

   "Hello, Aunt Yuan."

  When Qiao Nian picked up the phone, he also picked up the peaked cap and put it on his head, pressed down on the brim of the cap, ready to go out.

   "I sent the part you sent me to modify to the designer. After reading it, she thinks that your modification is very good, and she plans to use your modified artwork."


  Qiao Nian opened the door and walked out.

  Yuan Yongqin continued: "What do you think of her design?"

  Qiao Nian seemed to feel something, paused slightly, paused, and said truthfully: "It's okay. It's quite aura."

  Yuan Yongqin said carefully: "How about we use this design to participate in the APE competition?"

   Sure enough...

  Qiao Nian had already sensed what Yuan Yongqin wanted to say, so she wasn't too surprised when she said it.

Yuan Yongqin immediately said: "I mean, her design is not bad. I discussed it with other designers in the design department, and I also think that newcomers should be given a chance. It just so happens that you are busy recently and can't come back from Independent Island, so I I just want it or let her go."

   Qiao Nian was walking on the stairs, interrupted her, and saw the man in the living room who was talking to Gu San.

   "He is looking for you?"


  Yuan Yongqin still wanted to play dumb: "Who?"

   "..." Qiao Nian didn't answer, the meaning was obvious.

  In Beijing, who else can persuade Yuan Yongqin.

   Sure enough.

  Yuan Yongqin felt her silence, hesitated for two seconds, and admitted carefully: "Yesterday, Young Master Ye called me, and we chatted casually."

She immediately added: "But I discussed the design draft in the email with several major designers. This Zhang Qiang has potential. The style is not as strong as yours, but it belongs to the refined retro style. We don't always want to promote the ancient style. , a design with historical precipitation?"

"I just want to let her go this time, so that those overseas can see the culture of our ancestors that has been accumulated for five thousand years, so that they don't have to show them a jewel with a history of one or two hundred years as a treasure. We have to let the industry pay tribute to those designs, what the hell, are there things from our ancestors?"

   What he said moved Qiao's mind.

  Qiao Nian has been supporting the design of domestic designer Guofeng, but her own style is too strong.

   It is difficult for her to design such delicate and exquisite jewelry.

  The design sketch Yuan Yongqin sent her is the style that Qiao Nian has been supporting all along. Just like what Yuan Yongqin said, this designer has great potential.

  She agreed with Yuan Yongqin's statement after only a short consideration: "Okay, then choose her."

Qiao Nian thought about it and said, "Let her think about whether to use the part I modified. The most important thing for a designer is self-confidence. Let her not feel that she must use it just because I modified it for her. I don't have those Get used to it, she just needs to let go and do what she wants."

"Okay." Yuan Yongqin couldn't help laughing, her nerves relaxed, and she couldn't help telling her: "Since you won't participate in this APE competition, you should take more rest and don't put too much pressure on yourself. We are here for you in everything." Behind you, you are not alone."

  Qiao Nian responded obediently: "Yes, I know."

  Yuan Yongqin didn't drag her to continue talking.

  It happened that Qiao Nian also went downstairs, so she whispered to her, "I'll hang up first."

  (end of this chapter)

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