Published at 7th of June 2023 07:35:50 AM

Chapter 4350: Are you guys out there like this?

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  Chapter 4350 Are all of you outsiders so against the sky?

"make a deal."

  Qiao Nian readily agreed.

  Her purpose is not to blow up Baishi Island.

   After all, David's friend is still on the island.

  She just needs a way to ensure that she and Tungsten Gold can leave this sea area safely.

  Since a deal has been reached.

  Qiao Nian is ready to hang up the phone.

  Old Ten suddenly asked sullenly: "Your name is Qiao Nian?"


  She didn't answer, but just raised her eyebrows, her eyes were interested in waiting for the other party's next words.

   Sure enough.

  The old man on the other end of the phone did not hold his breath, and quickly continued: "Young people, don't be too extreme in doing things, and be careful that you don't have such good luck next time. At that time, there will be a gap between heaven and hell!"

  Qiao Nian has always disliked this style of relying on the old and selling the old.

  Especially the other party is not an elder she knows yet.

  It's just a strange person who is hostile to him.

  The other party talked to her in such a preaching tone, no doubt jumping in her minefield.

   "You should take care of yourself first!"


   Baishi Island.

  After half a day of tossing, Borui finally found a chance to get rid of everyone and return to his residence first.

  He lives alone.

  The lights were not turned on in the huge room, and he turned on the lights only after he went back, took off his coat, picked up the phone at home and made a call.

at the same time.

  David in continent F received his call.


  Borui got through the call, and said directly: "Your sister left Baishi Island smoothly, and took a large amount of tungsten gold from the island."

"I knew about the news you mentioned an hour ago." David had a very good relationship with him, and said cheerfully, "I heard that you helped them a lot this time, thank you brother, if you need it in the future Just talk to me, I owe you a favor!"

  Borui ignored a long paragraph of his words, frowned and asked with a serious face: "What's your sister's background?"

   "Huh?" David didn't seem to understand what he meant.

  Borui thought for a while: "She is not an ordinary girl, right? No, the people who can come to Baishi Island are not ordinary people, but she is should understand what I mean."

   Qiao Nian acted too differently!

   It can never be just ordinary people.

  The so-called ordinary people are not just those who can go to Baishi Island, but...the more unusual ones!

  David was quiet for a while.

   Probably thinking whether to tell him or not.

  Borui waited patiently for the other party's answer.

  He figured it out.

  Even if David didn't say it at the end, he could understand.

  Who knew that after a short thought, David said to him: "She is sun."

  Borui had already made mental preparations in his heart, preparing for David not to tell him or to tell him a different identity.

  But he never expected Qiao Nian to be the sun.

   "She..." Borui ran out of words.

  David laughed: "I knew you would react like this."

"Sorry, I couldn't tell you before, I just told you that she is my younger sister." David said apologetically, "Actually, I didn't lie to you, she is younger than me, and I have always regarded her as my younger sister in my heart. It's just that apart from our relationship, she is still my boss."

   Borui lost his voice completely.


  A girl in her 20s is Sun. Even though he has seen everyone on Baishi Island, he opened his mouth in surprise by the news and was speechless for a long while.

   "People outside are like this now... um..." Borui was not good at words, and couldn't come up with a suitable adjective after holding back for a long time.

   Actually, did he want to say that everyone outside is so against the sky?

  (end of this chapter)

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