Published at 9th of June 2023 05:12:51 AM

Chapter 4365: slap in the face, embarrassing, embarrassing

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  Chapter 4365 Slapping in the face, embarrassing and embarrassing

   But what about Jiang Yao and Wei Ling?

  Xu Jishen couldn't figure out what Ye Lao meant?

   Could it be that Mr. Ye didn't know that these two had a bad relationship with Miss Qiao?

   Wei Ling was stunned by his rhetorical question, and looked back at Jiang Yao: "Didn't Young Master Xu come to Jiang Yao's birthday party?"

Jiang Yao came back to his senses after being named, his face was blue and white, he clenched his fist, then let go, tried to calm down, and said lightly: "You should be mistaken, I didn't invite Xu Shao. He and Mr. Su Probably came here to eat."

   "You and Young Master Xu, you..." Wei Ling was completely dumbfounded.

  She looked at Jiang Yao and Xu Jishen, feeling embarrassed and ashamed by her behavior just now, and a little bit at a loss as to how to smooth things over.

   Isn't Jiang Yao on good terms with Young Master Xu?

   What is the trouble here?

   Fortunately, Xu Jishen deserves to be educated by a famous family. He quickly figured out the misunderstanding from Wei Ling's reaction. He turned to look at Jiang Yao, and said very politely: "Is your birthday today? Happy birthday."

  Jiang Yao looked at his old friend and felt bitterness in his heart, so he nodded and said politely, "Thank you."

  Xu Jishen asked Jiang Yao for help since Su Huaiyuan fell ill that time, but Jiang Xianrou made a fool of him, relying on Qiao Nian's help to find the special medicine.

   consciously alienated Jiang Yao.

  The two haven't been in touch for more than a year, and this meeting was also an accident.

   After Xu Jishen said his birthday wishes to Jiang Yao, he felt that he had maximized the friendship between his former friends, so he didn't spend any more time with Jiang Yao and Wei Ling.

  He supported old man Su, Wen Tun said: "Grandpa, let's go there first."

  Su Huaiyuan knew Wei Ling.

  He frowned and glanced at Wei Ling, displeasure flashed in his eyes, but the older generation was well-bred, and he didn't care about blocking the way with Wei Ling, so he raised his leg and followed Xu Jishen in.

  During the period, he didn't say hello to Jiang Yao and Wei Ling, and wrote 'I don't want to know each other' on his face.

  Watching Xu Jishen and Su Huaiyuan go in helplessly, Wei Ling felt her face burning hot, which was extremely embarrassing.

  She couldn't help complaining about Jiang Yao: "Did you quarrel with Young Master Xu? Didn't you have a good relationship before? Why Young Master Xu doesn't seem to know your birthday."

  Jiang Yao felt uncomfortable at the moment, and didn't want to explain to her any more, so he walked inside with a blank expression: "I'll go first."

   Seeing that he didn't answer, Wei Ling turned around and left. Although she was very angry, she came all the time, so she couldn't just leave.

  She could only hold the small sachet tightly in her hand, and followed with a sullen face.


   All the way in.

   Wei Ling discovered the unusualness of Guanlan today.

  In addition to Xu Jishen and Su Huaiyuan who met outside the door, she also saw several familiar faces, such as Nie Mi and Zhang Yang.

  These people come from various circles and different ages. It is hard to say that they gathered in the same place for dinner just by coincidence.

   Wei Ling followed Jiang Yao all the way into the box, and then saw Jiang Zongnan and others in the box where they were, and immediately felt a strong sense of contrast.

  The box they are in is not small.

  Because Jiang Yao didn't have a big birthday party, he actually only invited a table of people to eat.

   Most of these people are celebrities in the business world.

   On identity.

  Except for Jiang Zongnan himself, there were no two people who could stand on the stage, and they were completely incomparable with the Su Huaiyuan and others she met on the road.

   Immediately, it was set off a lot of shabby.

  (end of this chapter)

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