Published at 13th of June 2023 10:30:12 AM

Chapter 4378: Sister Nian brought the little guy here to buy things

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  Chapter 4378 Sister Nian brought the little guy here to buy things

  Wangfujing has a dedicated foreign game disc studio, and the owner of the studio is a fanatic of handle games.

  While playing by myself, I also collected game discs from different regions and types.

  Qiao Nian brought Ye Qichen here to find that store, took the little guy to pick out a few games he likes, and then they went back to play together.

   Along the way, the little guy was very happy by chirping.

  Although Qiao Nian is not a person who likes to be lively, seeing him like a happy bird, a smile appeared on his lips.

   Wait until the place.

  Qiao Niancai found out that the outside of the shopping mall was completely blocked. Many young boys and girls flushed with excitement and shouted at the door with banners.

  She guessed that some celebrity was coming.

   "Chenchen, hold me." Qiao Nian pushed down her peaked cap, and stretched out her hand towards Ye Qichen.

  The little guy's big eyes lit up like black grapes, and he immediately took Qiao Nian's hand, and he grabbed it firmly without Qiao Nian saying anything.

  Qiao Nian told him to follow him later, and then led him to squeeze in through the small door with few people on the side.

   "Excuse me, please step aside."

  She has a unique aura, which is easy to be noticed. Coupled with her deep voice, anyone who hears Qiao Nian's voice will turn their heads subconsciously.

  But Qiao Nian lowered his peaked cap and tilted his head on purpose, not wanting to be recognized and cause unnecessary trouble.

  Plus she is wearing a normal hoodie and jeans, and she is dragging a little boy by her left hand.

  Most people instinctively make way when they see it.

  Qiao Nian took advantage of the narrow intersection that could accommodate one person, squeezed Ye Qichen into the shopping mall, and walked directly towards the game studio.

  Ye Qichen usually stayed in the old house and rarely saw such a posture. He couldn't hold back the child's temper and asked curiously: "Sister, what are they doing?"

   "Let's go after a certain star." Qiao Nian looked back at the crowd outside, and answered casually, thinking that she would go directly from the underground garage later instead of crowding at the door.


  Ye Qichen lost interest when he heard that he was a celebrity.

   One big and one small got on the elevator.


the other side.

  A nanny car is parked on the basement floor of the mall.

  There are not many people in the underground garage.

  The door of the nanny car was specially opened for ventilation. From the warm yellow light inside, one can see a beautiful woman in a Chinese dress sitting in the car.

  Women are all dressed up from head to toe. The exquisite makeup outline and the blessing of jewelry and costumes are quite beautiful.

  But her beauty can only be considered average in the entertainment industry.

  Plus, she is not as pure and innocent in private as she is in front of the camera, frowning her brows, always looking mean to find fault.

   It also weakened a bit of her beauty by relying on external appearance, but strengthened the dullness and meanness between her eyebrows and eyes.

   "What's the matter with the organizer? Why hasn't anyone come to pick me up yet? What are they doing to eat? I don't know I'm here."

"Ruoqing, don't be angry, I'm contacting them." The little assistant who followed her was a fat man who was sweating profusely at the moment. Emotions, just a bit too busy.

  However, Qiao Ruoqing didn't care about him, and immediately lost her face and lost her temper: "I won't go! Let's go, I want to go back to the company."

  (end of this chapter)

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