Published at 16th of June 2023 07:30:33 AM

Chapter 4387: Sister Nian: I smashed her car

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  Chapter 4387 Sister Nian: I smashed her car

  Qiao Ruoqing was not blind, she could see the men in black who looked like bodyguards No. 20 and 30 brought by the other party, and knew that she had to go to the police station by herself, or she had to go if she didn't.

  She clutched her hot, swollen cheeks, and reluctantly followed the assistant into the car.



  Qiao Nian drove the car into the garage and took Ye Qichen home.

   After the two arrived home.

  She immediately said to the little guy: "Go sit on the sofa and wait for me, I'll be right over."


  Ye Qichen was very obedient, and sat down on the sofa to wait for her obediently, his eyes were fixed on Qiao Nian all the time.

  Qiao Nian searched through boxes and cabinets, and finally found Gu Sanfang's medicine box in a drawer, and immediately took the medicine box back.

  She walked up to the little guy, squatted down nimbly, opened the medicine box at hand, and wanted to take out the medicinal wine for bruises from inside.

  Ye Qichen was extremely uncomfortable, curled up his little feet, and reached out to grab the medicine in Qiao Nian's hand: "Sister, let me do it."

  Qiao Nian had already found the medicine for traumatic injury, grabbed his troublesome little hand, and said very calmly, "Why are you a child?"

  Ye Qichen still shrank his legs, very unnaturally, as if he was afraid that Qiao Nian would touch his left leg, and found that his left leg was different from ordinary people.

  His nervousness was conveyed to Qiao Nian. Qiao Nian raised his eyelids, his eyes were dark and bottomless, with a soothing power.

   "I'm a doctor, don't be afraid."

  Ye Qichen shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

  Qiao Nian stopped talking, calmed down and rolled up his trouser legs, and re-examined the injured area for him.

   Ye Qichen's ankle was already swollen into a big steamed bun at the moment, his skin was white, and the red, swollen and bruised area looked shocking.

  The hostility that Qiao Nian had finally suppressed rushed to his heart again.

  She took a deep breath: "Chenchen bear it, it hurts a little."

  Ye Qichen gritted his teeth.

  Qiao Nian made up his mind, and pinched him again to see if the bones in the swollen area were misaligned... Fortunately, he touched the bones.

   The little guy did not hurt his bones.

  Qiao Nian's ugly expression finally eased a little, and he used the ointment to disinfect him with his fingertips, rubbed the blood to loosen the blood, and then applied the ointment.

  After she finished all this, Ye Wangchuan also called.

   Qiao Nian adjusted the game CD for the little guy that they went to buy together today, and then handed him the handle to let him play for a while.

   Then he bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the table, walked to the counter, turned on the faucet, rinsed the medicinal wine stuck to his fingers, and picked up the phone with one hand.


   "How is Chenchen? Are you all right?"

   "It's okay." The cold water rushed over the fingertips, and the blood under the skin seemed to feel the coolness, and slowly flowed back to the heart.

  She remembered one thing: "I smashed her car, and the other party seemed to be a celebrity, and there were quite a lot of people at the scene."

  Ye Wangchuan could hear the irritability in her tone, and her tone was as soothing as a clear spring: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."


   Qiao Nian can solve it by himself.

   It was only related to Ye Qichen, she respected the way Ye Wangchuan and the rest of the Ye family handled it.

   That's what it says.

  Qiao Nian still had a fire in her heart, which could start a prairie fire at any moment, and the fire had nowhere to go, so she couldn't get up.

   "That female star is quite arrogant, I don't know who is supporting her behind..."

  Qiao Nian still remembered the other party's words such as opening and closing his mouth and not killing anyone.

  As long as she thinks of her, she becomes very anxious, as long as Qiao Nian thinks of it, Qiao Nian can't hold back her anger.

  (end of this chapter)

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