Published at 22nd of June 2023 05:29:39 AM

Chapter 4391: How does the person in the video look like God Joe?

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  Chapter 4391 How does the person in the video look like Joe God

  Eisley arranged everything properly, and he didn't forget to ask the PR department to buy this series of videos on the trending list, so that the other party will be scared first, and then they can negotiate later.


  The video of Qiao Nian being shot quickly became popular on Weibo.

  Qiao Ruoqing has accumulated a lot of fans on the Internet over the past year, one is Xiaohua, who is currently hot, and the other is a car smasher.

  On the Internet, Qiao Ruoqing's fans scolded Qiao Nian overwhelmingly, accusing her of being aggressive and being too arrogant.

  Even if some people came forward and said that Qiao Ruoqing did something wrong first, they were automatically ignored by this group of fans, who caught Qiao Nian smashing the car and insulting her.

  Qiao Ruoqing also has some fans who are more extreme. They ran to dig out Qiao Nian's identity in the video, trying to find out Qiao Nian's background.


  Online, Qiao Ruoqing's fans were scolding vigorously.

  The popularity of those videos became popular under Aisley's operation.

   Immediately afterwards, things did not develop as Eisley imagined. As the popularity of this matter became higher and higher, besides Qiao Ruoqing's fans, many passers-by also saw the video.

  At first, everyone didn't feel anything.

   After all, the angles of the few videos that have been circulated are not very clear, and Qiao Nian is wearing a peaked cap and is very low-key.

  She didn't say a few words the whole time, and when she came up, she picked up an iron bar and smashed Qiao Ruoqing's nanny car.

   After that, Qiao Ruoqing was pulled out of the car and had a brief conversation with Qiao Ruoqing. The video was far away, so I don't know what the two said.

   Then she raised her hand and slapped Qiao Ruoqing a few times.

  But some people still find that the girls in the video look familiar, and they seem to have seen it somewhere.

  At the beginning, there were only one or two such voices in the comment area.

  【Cai Caichong: Hey, do you think the girl in the video seems to be alone? 】

  【Winter melon is not a vegetable: Are you sure the girl in the hoodie and black hat is not me, God Qiao? Why do I look like my own life! 】

  This topic is very popular, and soon there will be new comments that will brush down one or two comments.

   Few people saw this weak voice.

  Even if someone saw it, it was Qiao Ruoqing's fans who went crazy everywhere.

  The fans came up with cynicism.

  【Ruoruo Qingtian: You have bad eyesight, how does this woman look like a student of Tsinghua University? It is impossible for Chasing Light to be such a shrew. Besides, you haven't heard the rumors? My family Ruoqing is related to God Qiao, cousins! How could God Qiao do anything to our family Ruoqing, Pengci walked away. 】

   There are also several fans who came to support her after hearing the news.

  【Qingqing: That’s right, Pengcigou go away. Now a cat and a dog have also learned how to touch porcelain. You don't know that woman, help her wash the floor. 】

  【Little Angel Ruoruo: He looks like a floor cleaner, yo, how much is it, take me to earn money too. 】

  The host didn't want to cause trouble, so he endured his depression and didn't get entangled with them. He only liked it under the comment of another person who said he was like it.

   Although Qiao Ruoqing's fans are strong in combat, there are traces of them cursing everywhere.

  But it is inevitable that more and more people will follow the people in the video. Qiao Nian's body... is no longer a trend that fans can't hold back.


  Eisley went to the police station in person before releasing Qiao Ruoqing on bail.

  But the people at the police station also made it very clear to her that Qiao Ruoqing could not leave the capital these few days and needed to cooperate with the police investigation at any time.

   Eisley smiled again, expressing that he understands that he will not cause trouble for the police and will let the artist actively cooperate with the investigation.

  (end of this chapter)

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