Published at 29th of August 2023 05:39:54 AM

Chapter 4578: Wang Ye: Yes, follow orders

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  Chapter 4578 Delusion: Yes, follow orders

   Then he focused on the computer screen, swiped the mouse, and was just about to open the email Ji Lin sent him.

at this time.

   Qiao Nian, who was 'sleeping' on the side, suddenly stretched out a hand to block the front, and pulled off the blindfold, revealing those dark and bright eyes.

   "You didn't sleep for a few hours yesterday, did you?"

  Ye Wangchuan looked at the person who was suddenly not sleeping again, and helplessly leaned his body back to make room for her: "I'm not sleepy."

  Qiao Nian frowned again, pursed her lips, and smiled angrily: "Aren't you sleepy? If you don't sleep, you're still sleepy. Why don't you be a god?"

  Ye Wangchuan understood and groped, but was very smart and didn't answer.

   Qiao Nian was irritable for a while, looking at his pale face, a wave of inexplicable anger subsided again, and the corners of his mouth were drawn into a straight line: "You sleep with me for a while."

  Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows.

  She didn't look someone in the eye, and added: "It's a request."

  Ye Wangchuan bent his eyes like hooks, and responded very obediently: "OK."

  Then he closed the notebook, put the computer aside, and smiled softly: "Listen to you."

  Qiao Nian lost his temper after being laughed at by him. He rubbed the center of his brows, then shared the blanket on his lap with him, and said in a low voice, "You rest for a while. I still need your help when I get to Continent F."

  Actually, she didn't even think about asking anyone for help, but Qiao Nian felt that maybe he would listen to her and take a good rest, instead of taking the computer and starting work again later.

   "Didn't you say that you don't worry about me being alone, so you should rest well and keep your spirits up before you have a chance to keep an eye on me."

  Ye Wangchuan's eyes glowed softly, and the bright stars fell into his eyes, which showed Qiao Nian's duplicity.

  He raised his hand and turned off all the lights above his head.

   fell into darkness all around.

  Qiao Nian could only hear the soft breathing beside her.

  The corners of his lips curled up: "Yes, follow orders."


   After flying for nearly 20 hours, the plane landed at David's site in F continent.

   Wait for the plane to taxi and stop.

  Open the cabin door.

  The people on the plane get off from it.

  Qiao Nian saw many people waiting outside.

  In addition to the familiar faces, Gu San, David and Guan Yan, Chun Lei, Hou Zi and others also came.

  She turned her wrist, raised her hand and pulled the peaked cap, and was walking down.

   Someone came up first with three steps and two steps.

   "Miss Qiao, welcome to Continent F."

  Qiao Nian took a closer look, and saw a burly man with a deep scar on his face, looking fierce.

   But greeted her with a very respectful expression.

   "Yes." Qiao Nian recognized him as Mo Dong, everyone was familiar with him, so he nodded and signaled to him, "Thank you."

  Mo Dong happily touched the back of his head, his mouth was about to open, and he didn't notice the fire-breathing eyes of David and his group behind him.

   and Ye Wangchuan who got off the plane half a step behind Qiao Nian.

   "Very happy?"

  Mo Dong heard a familiar voice, he turned his head belatedly and saw his boss, the hairs on his back stood up, and immediately shook his head: "No."

  Ye Wangchuan's thin lips curled up: "You are not happy to see me?"

  Cold sweat dripped down Mo Dong's back, and he buried his head and shouted loudly: "... Hello, Mr. Wang!"


  There was a lot of movement on their side.

  David certainly heard it.

  He had just brought someone to meet Qiao Nian, and immediately said with a bad face, "You deserve it!"

   Then he took a deep breath, and immediately complained to Qiao Nian: "Boss, look at the people in the dark fort who are almost treating our base camp as their own home!"

  (end of this chapter)

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