Published at 29th of August 2023 05:39:21 AM

Chapter 4592: don't say hello to your uncle

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   Just at this time.

  The man in black led Nie Qingru and Ying Ying to the door.

"team leader."

   "Ms. Nie is here."

  Shadow Ten patted the hacker on the shoulder and said to him, "Keep watching the surveillance."

  The hacker nodded hurriedly: "Yes."

  Ying Ten turned around by himself, and walked towards the hill on the map of Continent F, standing next to the sand table, without even looking at the middle-aged man.

  Pointing to the sand table in front of him, he asked Nie Qingru, "Here is the topographic map of this area. How does Ms. Nie plan to save people?"

  Nie Qingru saw that his attitude towards her was extremely ordinary, so she took a step forward and took off the shawl, and Shadow immediately stepped forward to take it for her.

  Nie Qingru smiled slightly, and said to Yingshi, "You don't want to say hello to your uncle?"

  The muscles on Ying Shi's resolute face were tense, and his naked eyes like a cheetah finally glanced at the servant-like man behind her.

   Immediately, the corners of his mouth moved, revealing an extremely mocking and stern arc.

"Since he voluntarily left the island to follow you, he has nothing to do with the island. Ms. Nie doesn't need to mention him to me specifically. The task I received is to help you save people. Even if you don't remind me, I will do my best. Good thing. It's not for him, it's for the honor of the Ning family!"

  He turned sideways again, pointed to the sand table in front of him, and signaled Nie Qingru to see clearly, looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Ms. Nie, let's talk about your plan."

  Nie Qingru quickly flashed a trace of resentment in his eyes, squinted his eyes, and walked slowly towards the sand table under Yingshi's merciless gaze.

  Shadow followed behind her, always keeping a step away, keeping his head half down the whole time, well-trained and well-mannered.

  However, when Ying Shi saw the two approaching, he still tensed his muscles uncontrollably, especially when he saw the uncle he admired so much when he was a child wagging his tail behind a woman like a dog begging for mercy, he was extremely angry and disgusted.

  He has been trained anyway, and he is no longer the little boy who would chase after his uncle when he was a child and ask why he left, why he abandoned his family, and why he left the island where they lived.

  He had learned how to deal with it all.

Yingshi pursed his lips and said coldly: "We are a cooperative relationship. If Ms. Nie wants to save people, you'd better tell your plan and don't play tricks. Only then can we do our best to save people for you. Both parties are fine..."

  Nie Qingru is used to giving orders, when has she been warned one after another by a junior before she even said a word?

  She frowned visibly unhappy.

  The shadow behind her immediately said in a deep voice: "Pay attention to your tone of voice."

   He just finished speaking.

"Crack!" Ying Shi slammed the sand table chess piece he picked up in his hand onto the sand dune, raised his eyes, and yelled at him sharply: "What tone should I speak? When will it be my turn to talk and get a servant to make irresponsible remarks? And taught me how to be a man."

  He seemed to be suppressing a forbearing thunder with his brows, and his eyes were fixed on Nie Qingru, feeling full of oppression.

"Ms. Nie, it's true that you are a hidden family. Our island seems to be no worse than your hidden family, right? Since you are asking us for help this time, please take care of your own people and correct your attitude !"

  In the big tent, no one dared to speak except him.

  The hacker standing behind the sand table pricked up his ears, staring at the computer without squinting, not daring to say anything, as if he couldn't hear or see the quarrel here. (end of this chapter)

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