Published at 29th of August 2023 05:38:39 AM

Chapter 4614: smoke bomb

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  Chapter 4614 is a smoke bomb

  Same time, same place.

  Guan Yan said to the girl: "The hacker on the opposite side suddenly stopped attacking my network and disappeared."

  The girl stood at the narrow entrance, watching the crowd in the square outside, cheering and shouting David's name, and singing songs belonging to Continent F.

  From their perspective, it is difficult to see the abnormality of the square.

  Qiao Nian looked up at the sky, turned around and said to Guan Yan: "They are going to attack."


  Guan Yan saw that the other party didn't attack his computer and didn't bother to sit in front of the computer, so he simply put aside the computer and walked over, looked outside, didn't see any clues, and then looked down at the phone.

   "Ten minutes before ten o'clock, isn't it so fast?"

  Qiao Nian found out a miniature folding telescope from nowhere, opened the telescope, picked it up, and searched around below.

   The 'evidence' was soon discovered.

  She handed the telescope in her hand to Guan Yan, and said in a leisurely tone, "Look at the ground."

   "On the ground?" Guan Yan dubiously took over the binoculars and looked at the ground.

  The telescope Qiao Nian uses doesn’t look big, but it works very well. It comes with an adjustable magnification function, which can automatically zoom in on the target based on iris sensing.

  Guan Yan immediately found some small black round **** scattered on the ground. These small **** are about the size of volleyballs.

   But there are a lot of these balls.

  Guan Yan tracked at least four or five of the same small **** with the telescope in his hand.

   One or two was an accident.

   Four or five of these things are definitely not an accident.

  She took away the binoculars, and immediately looked at the girl with a surprised expression on her bright melon seed face: "Sun, we..."

   Qiao Nian put on the gloves slowly, and under her gaze, said lightly, "Get ready to work!"

  Seeing her like this, Guan Yan suddenly calmed down, as if there was nothing to fear when the sky fell, because she knew that Qiao Nian must have a way.


  Guan Yan didn't ask what those little black **** on the ground were, and quickly followed what they said before.



   On the other side, Ying Ten is still counting down.

  As the countdown enters the last three seconds, everyone's nerves are highly tense, and they are extremely focused on waiting for the last second to arrive.



  Nie Qing subconsciously looked at Zhai Xicheng who was hanging there in the center of the square, his heart was beating like a drum, and he felt a strong sense of uneasiness inexplicably.

   Made her open her mouth, wanting to stop this operation for no reason.

  But rationality forced her to suppress her panic, she did not make a sound, she clenched her fists and waited for the last order.


  Ying Ten calmly finished counting the last number, and immediately spoke to everyone.


   Following his order.

  Suddenly there were explosions in all directions of the square.

   Accompanied by a sudden blasting sound.

  Everyone in the square found thick smoke rising from their feet, and the smoke spread rapidly to the surroundings.

   They quickly lost sight of the people around them, and they couldn't see the platform in the center of the square.

at the same time.

  Everyone hears a gunshot.


   Then it was like a signal.

  After the first gunshot, everyone began to hear gunshots everywhere, and some gunshots were even very close to themselves.

  They couldn't see their surroundings clearly, and they could hear dangerous gunshots everywhere around them, and people started to riot.

  (end of this chapter)

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