Published at 29th of August 2023 05:38:21 AM

Chapter 4621: Can't be hard, come soft

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  Chapter 4621 Hard can't come soft

   "Whew~" Qiao Nian whistled, his eyelids drooped, and he looked down at her with sloppy eyes.

  The eyes were full of sarcasm.

   "Do you think I didn't kill you because I didn't dare to kill you?"


  Nie Qingru's heart sank when she was asked back.

   Qiao Nian put her elbows on her knees and bent down to look at her: "If I don't kill you, I will let you choose. If you don't choose, I will kill both of you."


  Nie Qingru's face was livid, and he said angrily, "Qiao Nian, how dare you!"

   "Choose, I have limited patience." The girl threw a small knife at her feet, which clearly meant that she should do it herself.

  Nie Qingru looked down at the knife thrown at his feet, then raised his head, and looked at the girl like a ghost crawling out of hell.

   She pinched her fingernails in the flesh, took a few deep breaths, tried hard to suppress her terrifying expression, and forced a fake smile that was comparable to a mask.

   "I know, I'm sorry for you."

  Qiao Nian raised her eyelids and glanced at her leisurely.

   Sure enough.

  Nie Qingru looked at her, twitched the corners of her mouth, and gave her a 'gentle' smirk.

   "And your mother, I'm sorry for her too..."

  When she talked about Ji Qing, there was no warmth in her eyes, she just said sorry verbally, and her eyes were indifferent, as if she was mentioning irrelevant people.

  Nie Qingru didn't feel how bad her performance was, and continued to relax: "But Nian Nian, we are always a family."

   "Forget about Xicheng, he has no blood relationship with you. But my elder brother is always your elder, right? If you do this, what will the people present think of you?"

  She was implying Chun Lei and others.

  Chunlei has always been straightforward, but he didn't realize that there was something in Nie Qingru's words.

Monkey is much smarter. He immediately heard that Nie Qingru was hinting at them, and immediately interjected: "Don't talk about us. We are not as thoughtful as people like you. Who is good to us, we are good to whom. It's not like you say blood is not blood, what you do is not a human thing."


  Nie Qingru grabbed his collar angrily.

  The shadow behind her subconsciously scolded the monkey: "How dare you talk to the queen like that!"

   Next second.

   Didn't even hear the sound.

  Suddenly, a bullet was shot at them, and it landed on the sand at Nie Qingru's feet, splashing the sand on the ground, almost hitting them in the face.

  Nie Qingru was startled by the sudden change and took half a step back. The shadow quickly supported her, and looked at the girl who had been silent from the beginning to the end with angry eyes.

   "Qiao Nian, what do you mean?"

  He couldn't help but said again: "She is your grandmother!"

  Qiao Nian's eyes were full of impatience.

   "Do you choose or not? If you don't choose, I will pretend that you don't want both."

   She gestured and raised her hand.

  Nie Qingru panicked at that moment, instinctively urging her to stop the girl's gesture of falling down.


   "Have you figured it out?" Qiao Nian tilted her head and raised her eyebrows to look at her.

  Nie Qingru could see that she was serious this time, even though her teeth were itching with hatred, she pursed her lips with an ugly face and said, "Give me some time."

   Qiao Nian is quite easy to talk this time.

"five minutes."

  Nie Qingru was immediately dissatisfied: "What can you do in five minutes?"

   She just finished speaking.

  Qiao Nian's voice became colder: "Three minutes."


  Nie Qingru could see Qiao Nian's strong attitude, so she chose to shut up silently, acquiesced to what she said for three minutes, and walked in front of Nie Tao and Zhai Xicheng.

  Zhai Xicheng raised his head to look at her, his messy bangs covered part of his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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