Published at 12th of September 2023 05:26:25 AM

Chapter 4677: Sister Nian has always used force.

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Chapter 4677 Sister Nian has always used force

He blurted out: "No, Mr. Wang, I guarantee that I am not familiar with him, and I don't know when he said we met in country k."

This man went to the auctioneer Shuangyang Zun and even came to the door to get close to him. Oil cake? !

Ye Wangchuan turned his head and saw that the girl had found a seat and sat down casually, with a bit of a surly expression on her face.

 Hmm, he seems quite irritable.

He raised his thin lips slightly, looked at Mo Dong again, who was trying to explain to him that he didn't know Offit, and said like a lightbulb: "Since he has come to the door, you should go out and see what he wants to do."

 Offitt was looking for Mo Dong, most likely because he wanted to make connections in F Continent.

Ye Wangchuan didn't think the other party could do anything. At most, he took Mo Dong and exchanged a few words.

 He is good at dealing with people, but Offit... is obviously not qualified enough for him to deal with it.

Oufit asked Mo Dong to name him.

 Of course it was Mo Dong who went out.

Mo Dong is not as smart as Mo Xi, so he can't see that his boss is sending him out, and Offit is still knocking on the door outside.

He was very discerning and said to the girl beside him: "Ms. Qiao, I'll go out and take a look first."

 He did not ask Ye Wangchuan.

 Instead, he asked Qiao Nian for his opinion.

 Looking very badass.

 Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

Qiao Nian didn't expect that Mo Dong would cross Ye Wangchuan and ask her. She pursed her lower lip and said, "Hmm," "We'll be out right away."

Mo Dong smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Miss Qiao, Master Wan, please talk slowly."

 As he said that, he went out to deal with Offit outside.

 In a blink of an eye, only Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan were left in the box.

 There was still a hint of silence in the air.

There was only silence for less than a second. Qiao Nian was the first to lose his composure. He stood up and walked over. Without saying a word, he opened his collar and inspected him. Her movements were very rough, and with unknown anger, she opened two buttons of the man's clothes with her first hand, revealing a piece of white skin on his collarbone.

 Qiao Nian ignored it and continued to pull down.

Until it was almost at the waist and abdomen, Ye Wangchuan pressed her hand with his slender hand and said with a smile: "Niannian, don't make trouble."

Qiao Nian stopped for a moment and raised his eyes to look over.

He also deliberately tilted his head back, revealing his beautiful Adam's apple, and gasped in a low voice: "If you see it, you will be responsible. Are you sure you want to be responsible for me here?"

 In the past, Qiao Nian might have let go.

 But this time she pursed her lips without saying a word, frowned, and continued to pull down.

 Sure enough.

 She went a little further down and saw that the area on his waist and abdomen where he had applied medicine in the past few days was severely bruised and bruised, turning blue and purple.

 It was in sharp contrast to the fair skin tones around him.

 It was shocking to see it!

"You didn't go to the hospital?" Qiao Nian let go of his hand after reading it, as if he was sulking or angry with himself, and distanced himself directly from him.

 She drove back after talking to David, preparing to take him to the hospital.

 When she found him, Ye Wangchuan was no longer there.

 Guan Yan said that he and Mo Dong left first.

  He also said that he went to the hospital.

 Qiao Nian felt at that time that he was probably just talking, and he might not necessarily go to the hospital obediently.

as expected.

 He just didn’t take it seriously and didn’t go to the hospital!

“Nie Qingru died suddenly, and Mr. Xue is still detained in F Continent by you. We must give the Privy Council an explanation.”

 When he just left, he went back to negotiate with the people from the Hidden World Family.

In the reclusive family, the archbishop, Lei Kai and Qiao Nian have good personal relationships, and they also know that Nie Qingru is seeking death on his own this time...

 (End of this chapter)

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