Published at 27th of April 2021 02:57:38 PM

Chapter 47: 47

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Chapter 47 Attitude Change One Hundred and Eighty Degrees

"Cai Ju?"

"Oh." Who is a simple character who can mix in the position of police chief under the age of forty? Cai Gang just saw that Qiao Weimin and Qiao Nian had a bad relationship. He quietly glanced at the indifferent girl. Quickly make a judgment, his face has cooled, and he distanced himself from Qiao Weimin, and said with a faint smile: "Why does Joe always understand the case better than me, the police chief?"

Qiao Weimin heard the ridicule in his words, his body became stiff, and he didn't understand how he turned his head and changed his face again, not giving himself face in public.

But Cai Gang is the chief of police in this part of the city. Although he is not a big leader, he has a lot of power in his hands. He suppresses the humiliation and squeezes out an embarrassing smile.

"I also heard that, I can't talk about understanding. It's just that Qiao Nian caused the trouble, and I am worried... If there is anything that offends Cai Ju, don't mind."

Cai Gang saw that he was still pulling at Qiao Nian, so he ignored him. He passed him and walked in front of Qiao Nian. He almost smiled and said, "Classmate Qiao Nian, I’m Cai Gang. I’m in this area. In charge."

Qiao Nian nodded. Compared with Qiao Weimin, she was flat and calm: "Cai Ju."

Cai Gang turned his head and asked the police officer next to her: "Are all the transcripts finished?"

The police officer hurriedly said, "It's all done."

Cai Gang looked back at Qiao Nian again, and said politely: "Classmate Qiao Nian, you have worked hard. Thank you very much for your support of our work. We have controlled those gangsters. We will call up their files and check them later. Have any previous convictions."

"Thank you so much today. If you weren't for your righteous actions, I don't know how much influence those people will have on this area of ​​public order. I will tell your school afterwards and let them promote this spirit of righteousness."

"I didn't do anything, so I don't have to go to school."

Cai Gang immediately said: "Yes, I was wrong. We will write a letter of commendation to your school on this matter, and the whole school will promote and study."

Qiao Weimin listened inexplicably next to him, and interrupted: "Qiao thought she was brave for righteousness? What's the matter, didn't she cause trouble to fight?"

Cai Gang didn't bother to pay attention to him. When he didn't hear him, he walked over and patted Qiao Nian on the shoulder, and smiled like a kind elder: "It's so late, and the transcript is finished. Qiao Nian, you just Go back first. Do you want us to send you a car?"

Qiao Nian saw the Phaeton parked outside, took her shoulder bag sent by the police officer, and carried it on her back casually. He was very angry: "No, I will go by myself."

"That way. Be safe on the road."

Cai Gang waved his hand and watched her leave before turning around, and said meaningfully to Qiao Weimin: "Mr. Qiao, you are also a smart person. I don't understand some things too well. The Qiao Group and us usually When dealing with us, let me give you a piece of advice."

Qiao Weimin was still a little dazed at this moment. He didn't understand why Qiao Nian left, and subconsciously answered, "What?"

Cai Gang looked at his meaningful eyes, and said slowly: "Being a human, keep your eyes on the long term! Don't pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon."

He had seen the Phaeton outside. It was a car from Jiang’s family around the city, and the people who called him today were from Beijing.

That was a class he couldn't reach, and the Qiao family had an attitude of trying to separate themselves from others, for fear of being entangled.

What a silly lack!

Babies, those who like to read sisters and delusions must vote for the book and give it a five-star praise.

You have one vote, I have one vote, and Qiao Nian will debut tomorrow!

love each of you!

(End of this chapter)

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