Published at 20th of September 2023 08:13:41 AM

Chapter 4707: I bought another house for Sister Nian

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Chapter 4707 I bought another house for Sister Nian

 “Master Ye?” Yuan Yongqin revealed the identity of the person she mentioned.

 Qiao Nian admitted openly: "Yeah."

Then he said: "Since last night when I saw him, several ideas suddenly emerged in my mind. This idea became more and more complete at noon today, so I drew it. Since it was specially created for one person Inspirations, I don’t want them to appear on the second person!”

 This is the designer’s mysophobia.

 At least Qiao Nian thinks this is a strange mysophobia. She just doesn’t want this series to be sold as merchandise.

 Money, she has a little.

Since she likes this design and wants to only design it for one person, Qiao Nian feels that she can pay for it.

"Aunt Yuan, can you help me find some craftsmen..." She explained the material requirements and some polishing techniques.

Remembering that there were several fine agate rough stones in David's warehouse, he said to Yuan Yongqin: "I will have the gemstones inlaid on rings and necklace pendants sent over later, so you don't have to worry."

When Yuan Yongqin heard what she said, he knew that the gems delivered would not be ordinary gems. He smiled and said, "Okay, you send the things over, and I will have someone make them for you. I will let you know when they are ready."

"But this series..." Yuan Yongqin also wanted her to produce a similar series, or ask the designer to change the details.

As soon as she spoke, Qiao Nian seemed to be aware of what she was going to say, and interrupted her casually: "I will only give him this series."

Yuan Yongqin suddenly touched his earlobe and said, "By the way, you're not in the capital?"

"Well, it's outside." Qiao Nian picked up the fork, took a small piece of apple into her mouth, and leaned back on the sofa lazily.

Yuan Yongqin knew that she had many things to do, so he didn't ask her where she was. He just said to Qiao Nian: "I bought a courtyard house in your name a few days ago."


 Qiao Nian's eating speed slowed down a bit.

 “Why buy a courtyard house?”

"Pfft." Yuan Yongqin smiled and said: "You are too young. I know you have money, but money is not as reliable as real estate, and you don't like to buy it yourself. There is no other way. I can only buy some for you and put it there. .”

She then told Qiao Nian: "This courtyard house is in Nanluogu Lane. Don't you often go there to eat? If you don't want to go back to Mr. Ye's place someday, you can stay nearby."

Yuan Yongqin never married or had children in his life.

 Qiao Nian reached out to her when she was at her lowest point, and injected capital into her to found the Chengfeng Group. Yuan Yongqin has always regarded Qiao Nian as his family, and has become his daughter.

A mother is not afraid of her daughter acting like a friend, but she is afraid that her daughter will have no support in the future and will be looked down upon by her husband.

Yuan Yongqin certainly knew that this big boss was not short of money and connections, but she couldn't help but want to buy more real estate for Qiao Nian.

 She has given Qiao Nian a house as a gift during birthdays and New Year celebrations in recent years.

 They are available in Beijing and overseas.

 Over ten years, he has accumulated a lot of real estate for Qiao Nian.

 She gave the entire house book to Qiao Nian last time. She has bought several new houses in the past year, but she has not yet found a chance to give it to her.

Qiao Nian probably knew Yuan Yongqin's mentality. He rubbed his eyebrows and paused for a few seconds before saying helplessly: "Aunt Yuan, you know I don't choose a place to live, so I don't have to spend money randomly."

 (End of this chapter)

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