Published at 3rd of October 2023 05:21:58 AM

Chapter 4753: Damn, what does he mean?

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 But the problem now is...

 “I can’t tell others my identity yet.”

Moody knew she would say this, so he said, "I can come forward."

Elena looked at him, seeming to be thinking about the meaning of his words.

Moody was straightforward: "I happen to be in Beijing on business. You can do what you want to do in the name of my sister..."

Just as Elena frowned, she heard him say again: "I will hold a special banquet to introduce you. This way, it will be much easier for you to do whatever you want."

Elena probably guessed what he wanted to do, and rubbed her brows. She didn’t say she agreed or disagreed, but just asked him: “Will it cause you any trouble?”

Moody looked at her with eyes full of pity: "Don't worry, it's just like you said, my family situation is better than yours. It's just a small favor. My dad only said a few words to me when he knew it. There won’t be anything…”

Elena raised her face and said to him seriously: "Thank you."

Moody had the urge to stand in front of her and block all storms from him.

 But these were all kept in his eyes. On the surface, he still cooperated with Elena and just treated her as a close friend. He nodded: "There is no need to talk about these between the two of us."

Elena rubbed the body of the goblet with her fingertips, lowered her head, half of her face was shrouded in shadow, making it unclear what she was thinking.

Moody just thought that she was hurt by the unpleasantness of this period, and he felt even more sorry for her experience, and secretly made up his mind to take care of it for her.


 Qiao Nian arrived at the airport two hours early, and went back to the Rhine with Ye Wangchuan and Gu San directly without letting Mr. Ye and the others come to pick him up.

  She doesn’t sleep well, especially on the plane.

 It looked like she had slept for more than ten hours and never woke up. In fact, her sleep was very poor and she was just too lazy to get up and take off her eye mask.

When she arrived at her own territory, Qiao Nian immediately went back to her room to take a shower, put on new clothes, and felt refreshed before going down from the second floor.

 When she went down, Qin Si and Zhang Yang had already arrived first.

As soon as Qin Si saw her, he waved his hands excitedly: "Sister Qiao, here."

 Qiao Nian saw him and felt her ears hurt from the noise, so she walked towards him.

 Zhang Yang stood up very politely: "Miss Qiao, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Qiao Nian had a good temper, but she looked a little lazy. She went straight to the sofa and sat down on it.

Gu San brought out the fruit plate from the kitchen, watched Qiao Nian come down, made her a new cup of tea, brought it out, and placed it on the coffee table in front of the girl.

Qin Sigang asked: "Sister Qiao, what do you want to eat tonight? I'm treating you to a treat."

The next second he walked in, the screen of his mobile phone that he had casually placed on the coffee table lit up. Qin Si bent down to pick it up and took a casual look at it.

The man who was carefree immediately sat up straight and frowned: "Damn, what does he mean?"

His voice attracted the attention of others in the living room.

 Qiao Nian just picked up the teacup and drank the tea slowly, not paying much attention. She could see her sleepiness through her half-squinted eyes.

But Zhang Yang was more concerned and immediately leaned over and asked: "Master Qin, what's wrong?"

Qin Si handed him the phone and looked at it with an ugly expression: "Look at the message I received."

 Zhang Yang looked at it and saw only a text message with an invitation letter, inviting Qin Si to attend a family dinner the day after tomorrow, and to introduce his sister to everyone.

This time coincidentally coincides with Qiao Nian's birthday party, both held on the same day. (End of chapter)

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