Published at 16th of October 2023 11:21:10 AM

Chapter 4794: Finally made up my mind

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“…” Father Hai was silent for a moment, his heart already shaken.

 “What if that Aina…”

Hai Mu knew what he was going to say and said first: "Can we be worse than now? Without the help of the Ye family, we will not be able to survive in the capital."

 They need a new backer, and the only choice.

 Hai's father understood what she meant. Although he felt that this was not a good way, he was still unwilling to give up his good life and the future inheritance rights of the Hai family.

 He nodded slowly under the gaze of the sea mother.

Hai Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and happily walked to the window to call Hai Tong.

 “You give it away.”

“Don’t worry at home, your grandma is moving out soon.”

"Besides...since you have a good relationship with your classmates, you should have a good relationship. If you need anything, tell your parents. Your parents will try their best to satisfy you."

After hanging up the phone, Haimu returned to the bedside, looked at the restless Father Hai, put her hand on his shoulder and comforted him softly.

"Don't worry too much. We have lost two backers, the Ye family and your mother. If we don't plan for ourselves, the whole family will not be able to survive."

 “We have done nothing wrong unless we punish ourselves for ourselves.”

Hai's father raised his head, upset: "But that painting belongs to Mom after all, and she wants to know..."

Haimu looked indifferent: "I've sent everything away."

 So what if the old lady knows?

Hai's father choked for a moment, and then he was slowly infected by her, and he calmed down: "You'd better try not to let the old lady know about this."

Haimu has been married to him for many years and knows the men around her very well. They are cowardly and selfish. Since Father Hai told himself this, it meant that he had already made up his mind!

Of course she hoped that her husband would stand with her, so she raised a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will tell Haitong."

 “Alas.” Father Hai sighed and stopped talking.


the other side. Haitong hung up the phone and walked inside anxiously holding the gift.

 She was a little uneasy when she met the doorman.

 “Madam, please show your invitation letter.” The doorman stopped her dutifully.

Haitong just said: "My friend called me to come, but I don't have an invitation letter..."

The doorman looked at her and stopped her at the door: "Sorry, we have received instructions not to enter without an invitation letter."

Haitong was wondering how to tell him clearly that he was called here by a friend.

at this time.

 The Qingyue girl's voice came from inside: "Hai Tong."

 Many people at the door looked at her.

Haitong felt the attention from the surroundings and was stunned. She looked in the direction of the sound and saw Elena standing with several overseas bosses, accompanied by a tall, long-legged, very handsome foreign man. .


Seeing her staying where she was, Elena said to Moody again: "My friend is here, you guys chat, I will pick her up."

Then she left the group behind and walked toward the door. She told the doorman and asked Haitong to come over: "I told them, you come in."

Haitong finally came to his senses and walked towards her nervously despite the attention of everyone.

Elena didn't seem to notice her reserved walking posture, so she took her back to Moody and others to introduce them to them.

 “This is my classmate at the college, Haitong.”


It was the first time Haitong saw so many well-known figures on international news pages, and she nervously stretched out her hands. (End of chapter)

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