Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:52 PM

Chapter 480: 480

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Chapter 480 Everyone is helping find someone

Qiao Nian kept holding the phone in one hand, and when he heard what he said, he changed his posture, still looking sloppy: "Let’s look at it then."

Aunt Chen hasn’t returned her message yet, and she doesn’t know if she didn’t look at the phone or for other reasons. She has to go to the hospital to see it before talking.

"Let's do this first, I'll go back and talk to you." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Liang Bowen getting the suitcase and walking here, Qiao Nian lowered his eyelids and talked to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Ye Wangchuan's voice was so loud that he was in a good mood.

Qiao Nian was inexplicably frustrated by him, changed his position to hold the phone, pursed the corner of his mouth, and hung up the phone.

She just hung up the phone on her front foot, and the person dragging the suitcase on her back foot trot to her, panting, and said embarrassedly: “Sister Nian, I’ve been waiting for a long time, I got my luggage, let’s go.”

Qiao Nian bought him a bottle of mineral water when he first bought it. When he saw him coming, he took the water out of his schoolbag and threw it to him. The tail of his eyes was provoked, and he said in a nasty tone: "Don't worry, drink saliva first."

Liang Bowen quickly caught the water she threw with his eyes, looked down, tut, Evian, he remembers a bottle of 60 yuan, a Mercedes-Benz BMW in mineral water, and no one at the airport buys a bottle for almost a month. Evian all thrown to him casually.

His family’s family conditions are pretty good. It’s incomparable to Ye Wangchuan’s family background, but it’s much better than ordinary people. Liang Bowen has not been short of pocket money since he was a child, and he can afford Evian water. Qiao Nian buys it for him. Without pretense, he unscrewed the lid, raised his head and gurgled half the bottle down, finally suppressed the heat from running, relieved his breath, and evened his breathing, then closed the bottle cap, raised his eyes to look at Qiao Nian, and asked Said: "Sister Nian, Chen Yuan has no news yet?"

He thought for a while, and then said: "I just called him while waiting for the luggage, and his cell phone is still shutting down. I asked the people in the class again, and everyone said Chen Yuan hadn't gone to school yet. Shen Qingqing They plan to visit his mother’s stall at night to see if he is there..."

Since Qiao Nian transferred to Class A, everyone has experienced a lot of things together, a lot of unity, and a sense of honor for the class.

When the people in the class heard him say that Chen Yuan was missing, they spontaneously tried to find someone, but they were still in class and could only be in a hurry. Shen Qingqing thought about going to the place where Chen Yuan’s mother set up a stall, so did he With this idea, first go to the places where Chen Yuan usually goes to find people, so the chances of finding people are much higher.

"In addition to helping her mother set up a stall, he usually visits the Xinhua Bookstore in the downtown area. I will go to the store to look for it when I go back and put my luggage..." Liang Bowen arranged the area for himself and was very motivated. Said.

Qiao Nian was noncommittal about the way they thought of finding people in the places they frequented, and gave an acknowledgment.

Liang Bowen thought about it, looked at her again, and asked worriedly: "Sister Nian, what about you, do you have any arrangements? Would you like to go to the bookstore with me?"

"I... wait a minute." Just as Qiao Nian wanted to say that she was going to the hospital, the phone rang. She saw that the phone number was Yuan Yongqin's transoceanic number, so she raised her hand to talk to Liang Bowen, and walked to the side to answer the phone first.

"Hey, Aunt Yuan."

"Niannian, the one of your classmates you asked me to check was found out by the police station. He was at the Wangjiang Road Police Station and reportedly committed a crime..."


The news of Chen Yuan at the police station was beyond Qiao Nian's expectation. She rarely showed a surprised look on her face, her brows were pressed down, and her voice was dumb: "Police station?"

(End of this chapter)

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