Published at 21st of March 2024 12:19:14 PM

Chapter 4934: Promise him to attend the afternoon activities

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The taste is spicy and authentic. Among the sweet restaurants in Beijing, it is one of the few restaurants that maintains the original taste of hot pot.

In order to curry favor with Qiao Nian, Zhang Yang almost didn't buy the hot pot restaurant directly.

He is now the major shareholder of this hot pot restaurant, so he asked his friend to be the boss in name only, so as not to make his licking too obvious and make Qiao miss it.

With just one word, he could have the restaurant booked out and closed to accommodate just one table for Qiao Nian and the others.

 “Master Wang, are you going to see Miss Qiao?”

Ye Wangchuan drooped his eyelashes, suppressed the helplessness in his eyes, and pondered for a moment and said: "She can't eat spicy food recently, let's wait for a while."

"Okay." Zhang Yang was very discerning. Even if he wanted to seize the opportunity to curry favor with Qiao Nian, he would not go too far.

He knew how to measure and said to Ye Wangchuan: "Whenever Miss Qiao wants to eat, please send me a message at any time. I will arrange it."


Ye Wangchuan saw how much he was trying to please him, so he responded calmly, to give Zhang Yang some face and accept his offer.

As expected, Zhang Yang immediately realized what was going on and said, "I won't disturb Mr. Wang anymore, bye."


Ye Wangchuan hung up the phone, took the phone away and looked at the time.

 It’s twelve o’clock noon.

He pushed the door open and went out, just in time to see Gu San coming out with a hot meal. There was already someone sitting in the restaurant.

The girl was still wearing a pullover hoodie, and the white hoodie she wore was refreshing and clean. However, the girl’s brows were downcast. When she saw him coming, she said hello in a hoarse voice: "Good morning."

"Morning." Ye Wangchuan took the glass of water and handed it to her, pulled out the chair opposite her and sat down: "Would you like to go out with me this afternoon?"

 Qiao Nian was eating the steak in front of him. Hearing this, he put down his knife and fork and glanced at him: "Where are you going?"

"There is... a fashion circle event inviting me. I need a female companion." Ye Wangchuan said very naturally: "You don't need to dress specially, just go with me."

As soon as Qiao Nian heard about any activity, one of her heads was bigger than the other two. She supported her forehead with her hands and asked with clear eyes, "I have to go?"

Ye Wangchuan touched the resistance in her eyes and was no longer willing to give up. He threw all the previous calculations behind him and looked into the girl's beautiful eyes and said: "It's not necessary. If you don't want to go, don't go."

  Qiao Nian's IQ is over 200, and it's not like she is blind and can't tell that he has something to do before she lets her go. However, in the blink of an eye, she relents: "I'll go."

Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his lips: "Would you like me to call you the stylist?"

Qiao Nian glanced at him sideways: "You're not saying that I can wear whatever I want."

Ye Wangchuan's eyes were full of adoration. He helped her pick up a strand of hair that fell by her ear, and then withdrew his hand: "As long as you don't mind, that's fine."

Qiao Nian's earlobe brushed against the warm touch of his fingertips, and her heart was tingling and tingling with dense currents. Her back relaxed a lot, she looked back and said lazily: "You can call a stylist, I don't wear anything too complicated. And don’t let them put too much on my face.”


 Ye Wangchuan agreed to her without even thinking about it.

 Qiao Nian picked up the knife and fork again and divided the steak in front of him: "Eat."

Gu San also brought the remaining sweet soup and fruits.

“Master Wang, Miss Qiao, do you want coffee?”

"She doesn't want a glass of iced Americano." Ye Wangchuan held the silver tableware in his slender hand, elegant and graceful.

"Okay." Gu San turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped again.

Ye Wangchuan said: "Ask my sister's stylist Andy to come over this afternoon." (End of this chapter)

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