Published at 21st of March 2024 12:18:32 PM

Chapter 4953: Sister Nian is angry

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"Even if it contains sulfuric acid, I will avoid the key parts and nothing will happen. On the contrary, you... in such a sudden situation, it is easy to have no time to get out of the way."

 Fortunately, the man only filled the bottle with boiling water. If the bottle had just been filled with sulfuric acid, Ye Wangchuan would have exposed his entire back to protect her.

The man was a little taller, so the 'liquid' was not poured into his neck, but on the back of his head.

Qiao Nian couldn't imagine the consequences, nor could he accept them.


 Otherwise she might not be able to control herself today.


  miuo received the news and came out.

He was accompanied by a large group of celebrities and celebrities who were fawning over him.

 Many people still don’t know what happened.

They only saw miuo, the organizer of today's Gtwe, change his face suddenly after the security came in and whispered something in his ear. He left the editor-in-chief of the V family who was talking and walked out quickly.

They also heard that something was going on outside, and came to take a look out of curiosity.

Si Xue is also among them.

 But she is different from others.

Others were simply curious about what was going on and came out to watch the excitement. She was not, she knew very well what happened, she just wanted to see what happened to that woman in the crowd.

At this time, her agent took the opportunity to get close to her and said in a low voice: "People are under control."

Si Xue disagreed: "It's okay. Just control it. It has nothing to do with us anyway. He's just a crazy fan, and he's not throwing real vitriol."

“…That’s what I said.” The agent, Sister Wen, felt strongly uneasy and looked around, fearing that someone would notice them: “I think President Miuo’s reaction was too big, and I’m a little afraid…”

Si Xue interrupted her impatiently: "What are you afraid of? Don't seek trouble for yourself! It's not the first time you have experienced this. Just blame it on the fans. Who can take advantage of us?"

As they spoke, the two of them followed the crowd and reached the scene of the incident outside.

The emergency medical team prepared by Gtwe came in handy, and it is said that the "injured" has been taken to treat the wound.

Miuo came out and ran straight to Qiao Nian, with cold blue eyes and a gloomy tone: "What's going on? Didn't you leave? How could an accident happen?"

Ye Wangchuan was taken to the medical room by the doctor to check the burns first. Qiao Nian was left here alone.

She saw the man running quickly in front of her, pressing the tip of her tongue to her cheek in a manic manner, her black eyes as sharp as knives, and asked him, "Who is Si Xue?"

 “Who?” Miuo is the organizer this time, but his identity is there, and there are countless people who come to chat with him. How can he pay attention to domestic celebrities.

The assistant beside him whispered in his ear for a while before Miuo realized what he was doing and shook his head with Qiao Nian: "I don't know her."

Qiao Nian said without saying a word: "Let her come out."

Miuo knows Qiao Nian’s identity, and also knows how untouchable Qiao Nian is. He also knows that his Gtwe today is ruined.

He himself was equally annoyed, so he turned around and ordered the staff to find someone.

 There was a commotion in the crowd.

There were many people from the domestic fashion circle who came out to watch the fun. When they heard the two mentioned Si Xue, everyone could not hide their surprise.

“Si Xue? Are you related to Si Xue?”

"That's wrong. Why does that person look like he doesn't know Si Xue? Didn't they stand together and talk in the infield? Si Xue also said he was looking for friends, but they don't know him?"

 “What the **** is going on? I’m confused.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!