Published at 21st of March 2024 12:18:09 PM

Chapter 4957: Looking for someone to move reinforcements

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Each frame of animation matches as if the novel is brought to reality.

Not to mention that Ye Wangchuan has the aura of being the hero of the novel, a high-ranking literary person, and he has a handsome face that brings disaster to the country and the people.

I was very conservation, and I looked at Qiao Nian's body throughout the process, and the focus of drowning people in it.

From their love experiences to the clothes they wore in the afternoon and the accessories they wore... there were so many things to pick up, and netizens were all enthusiastic.

On the contrary, the celebrities who participated in Gtwe this time did not win a few pages. Even if someone bought the hot search, the hot search was pushed behind.

 The focus of everyone's discussion right now is the official announcement of a wealthy family's love affair, a public show of affection, and the imminent marriage.

at the same time.

Si Xue and her agent, who were kicked out of the Gtwe scene, returned to the company in despair.

The manager got her a glass of water and hurried to find the leader.

Si Xue herself was not idle either. She took a few sips of water to calm down, took out her mobile phone and looked at the hot searches on the Internet. None of them were related to her.

Si Xue bit her lip and found the water army that she often cooperated with.

  [Make a hot search for me and say that I was bullied by Gtwe and went to the hospital because of my sadness. ]

 She can’t just wait for her to lose endorsements and magazine resources.

Si Xue has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she knows very well that she does not have the ability to directly compete with large groups. What she can do is use public opinion to sympathize with herself, and in turn put pressure on capital, forcing capital to use her.

This is not the first time she has cooperated with a domestic navy company. We have cooperated for a long time and have long been important partners.

Who knew that the navy would call her this time.


 Si Xue just started.

The navy boss who had been working with her for a long time told her bluntly: "I'm sorry, Miss Si Xue. From now on, we can't take your job."

Si Xue's eyes sunk: "What do you mean? You think the money I gave you is not enough? I can add more money." "It's not about the price. Don't you know who you and the fans have offended?"

Si Xue had already heard what her manager said on the way and knew that she had offended someone she shouldn't have.

She also didn’t expect that the hot water poured by the fans did not hit Qiao Nian, but instead burned the mysterious and low-key Ye Shao.

Si Xue felt extremely regretful, but the matter had already happened, so she could only deal with it hard: "Don't talk nonsense. You help me send out the press release, and I will give you money. As for the people I offended, I will apologize myself." .”

"Haha." The navy boss stopped pretending to her and sneered: "We really won't do it. You and your fans caused such a thing, and you still want to settle it with us. If I can settle it for you, I will Why should I open a public opinion company? I’ll just contract the entertainment industry directly!"

"Also, forget about your usually domineering style in your own circle. I didn't expect you to be so bold. This time it has already involved the legal aspect. Just pray that people can't find any evidence against you, otherwise you won't be able to continue in the entertainment industry. Go ahead, burn incense and worship Buddha before you go in!"

Si Xue was extremely angry: "You!"

The navy boss didn't want to get involved with her, so as not to injure himself: "Forget about you and me. Let's work together. I can only say to you, "Wish you the best of luck."


Hang up the phone on the other end.

Si Xue was angry and annoyed, with a gloomy face. She thought about it, but instead of calling home, she called the big shot who helped her connect with DM this time.

 The call was picked up quickly over there.


 “Hello special assistant.”

Si Xue changed her noble attitude when talking to the navy and adopted a flattering tone.

“That’s it, I want to find Mr. Ai. There’s something wrong with the DM cooperation she introduced to me before…” (End of Chapter)

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