Published at 21st of March 2024 12:16:45 PM

Chapter 4977: The matter is resolved

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Si Chuyue was upset by her, and what Si Xue said touched him to some extent, so he asked her: "Contact the people from HL Media in front of me. I want to see you with my own eyes." Is that true?"

Si Xue couldn't resist him and didn't dare to disobey him. She bit her lip and called Elena's special assistant again despite the pressure.


This time the phone rang more than ten times before I picked up.

 “Hello.” Si Xue said only one word.

An extremely rude scolding came from the other end: "Didn't I tell you to stay at home, don't do useless work, and don't call me at any time!"

Si Xue turned on the speakerphone, and the living room was filled with the other party's scoldings. Under the gaze of her parents, her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. She was angry and annoyed but did not dare to offend the other party.

  …I wanted to ask about that…”

 She had not yet finished speaking.

An impatient reply came from the other party: "President Eileen has personally made a trip for you. The matter has been resolved. Just wait for the good news at home!"

Si Xue clenched her phone and said with an overjoyed expression: "Really? Thank you, thank you."


The other end of the phone has hung up and a busy tone is ringing.

Si Xue hurriedly told her parents the good news: "Mom and Dad, did you hear? The matter has been resolved!"

"It's solved..." Si Chuyue was in the living room, and Si Xue turned the phone on speakerphone again, so he couldn't hear what the two of them said on the phone.

 He was surprised when he heard it: "It was solved so quickly??"

Si Xue came over and hugged his arm, and said coquettishly in a sweet voice: "It's not like you don't know HL Media. The special assistant said it was solved, it must be solved~ It seems that the Ye family didn't want to argue with me, we guessed it before They're all right. It's just that his girlfriend can't get along with me. Now that it's better, the president of HL Media has personally come forward to find someone, how dare she continue to hold on to me."

Si Chuyue didn't know much about it. He didn't know about the illegal zone or the Independent Continent...but he knew about HL Media Group. When his daughter said this, his tense heartstrings finally relaxed and he patted Si Xue's hand with his backhand. He lowered his voice and warned her: "Let this crisis pass. Don't use your fans to cause trouble for others in the future, do you hear me?"

Si Xue was also frightened this time, but more because she was proud of surviving the disaster, so she agreed quickly: "I know, Dad."

 She didn’t take advantage of her fans seriously in the blink of an eye.

 No matter how difficult the process was, the final result was still solved, and she still had nothing to do. Si Xue pursed her lips, her eyes flickering with disdain.

Which celebrity in the entertainment industry wouldn't take advantage of his fans?

  Celebrities who don’t take advantage of their fans stay on the 18th line!

The reason why she got to where she is today step by step is not due to the strong adhesion of her fans. I can only say that next time she encounters a similar thing, she will be more careful and investigate the other party's background earlier before taking action...

She would definitely not dare to mess with someone like Ye Wangchuan's circle.

 But ordinary people?

 She can't handle it as much as she wants.



Qiao Nian followed Ye Wangchuan to the old house.

When they arrived, Ye Lan also came and was greeting the old housekeeper to arrange dinner together, when he happened to see Qiao Nian and others coming in.

Ye Lan raised her hand and said, "Come on Niannian. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll ask the old housekeeper to buy it and prepare the kitchen in advance."

 Qiao Nian was always obedient in front of her elders, so she consciously walked to Ye Lan, greeted the old housekeeper with her eyes, nodded slightly, and said, "I can do anything."

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