Published at 21st of March 2024 12:13:12 PM

Chapter 5063: Be careful, don't hit the noble man

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She didn't even treat Moody differently, but she paid different attention to an illegitimate child with different eyes. This kind of differential treatment tore Ying Shi's heart apart.

 He immediately looked over with malicious eyes, wanting to see what was so good about that man that could touch Elena's heart.

 Dowell, Brown and Lister were also paying attention to today's Shura field. The person you are pursuing and your marriage partner are sitting together drinking water, tsk...exciting!

 They were watching Ye Wangchuan's reaction.

Sa Lan is also waiting for Ye Wangchuan to agree.

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on one person, the person moved, casually put the glass back on the table, and said lazily, "I don't want to go."

Sailan suddenly changed his face: "Wanchuan! Don't forget your friend..."

Ye Wangchuan adjusted his sitting posture, crossed his long legs, leaned back slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, intertwined his fingers in front of him, raised the corners of his mouth nonchalantly, and had a good cooperative attitude, but he looked careless at all. Heart: "Oh, my leg is broken. Sorry, another day?"

“…” Sailan took a deep breath, her temples beating wildly, and she almost couldn’t hold her breath smoothly, and she was so angry that she couldn’t breathe.

Elena grabbed the corner of her clothes, her fingers turning a little blue due to excessive force, breaking the tense atmosphere between the two.

She said very sensibly: "Aunt Lan, I have already run two laps today, let's do it next time."

"Well, I'll run with you next time." Sai Lan's livid face changed.

But Ye Wangchuan repeatedly refused to give her face in public, which still made it difficult for her to pretend that nothing had happened: "I'm tired, you young people, let's talk."


 At the same time, on the other side.

 Qiao Nian wandered around the racecourse, looking here and there, touching here and there, as if he was simply interested in this place, and since he had never seen the world, he wanted to touch everything.

She wandered all the way from the restaurant to the shooting range, and then walked around the shooting range. She accidentally walked to the stables along the way she came.

Until she felt that the surveillance eyes behind her were full of vigilance at the beginning, and then became more and more impatient and relaxed due to her country bumpkin's behavior in the city. She just seized the opportunity, sprained her foot, and bumped into the shoulder of the person in front of her.


She whispered, holding the other person's shoulders with her hands, and let go as soon as they were separated.

"Excuse me."

The other person was caught off guard and was bumped by her. He turned around and met a pair of penetrating black eyes, followed by an apology.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Qiao Nian quickly apologized. In addition, he was not knocked down, but just touched on the shoulder... The entourage who came back with the dark horse saw that it was her, and turned down the corners of his mouth, raising his head contemptuously. Eye said: "Be careful when walking, don't hit the noble person."

"Yes, yes, yes." Qiao Nian nodded in agreement with a good attitude, looking very teachable.

The man calmed down and stopped embarrassing her: "Let's go, don't wander around here."

Qiao Nian raised his hands and walked out obediently: "OK."

Finished speaking.

 She walked out of the stable and went to other places.


 When Qiao Nian was far away, she walked out of the darkness alone and walked up to the person who had spoken to her before: "Buying seven, is that you?"

"Uh..." The man named Maiqi was startled when he saw him, and then he reacted: "Are you following 'him'?"

The man in black wore a stereotypical suit and wrote lightly: "A killer is wandering around here, of course someone must keep an eye on 'him'."

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