Published at 21st of March 2024 12:11:47 PM

Chapter 5094: Does he have to be this bitch?

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Elena was also at this dinner.

 She chose a gorgeous golden dress, which looked like stars twinkling in the night sky. Fine diamond jewelry adorns the white jade earlobes, reflecting her elegance and nobility.

 She did not regard the banquet as a blind date occasion like other celebrities, carrying champagne and going around looking for interested men to strike up conversations with.

She found a sofa where she could sit, and sat there, staring coldly at the excitement in the banquet hall, holding the goblet between her fingers and shaking it gently.

 She is like a noble and elegant queen, but also like a proud cat, enough to attract many people's attention to herself.

 Dowell, Garcia and others came later.

They came in and said hello to the elders they knew, and then prepared to find a corner to play by themselves.

  "Go find a seat, let's go." Dowell, wearing a tuxedo, pulled his friend beside him and walked to the side, muttering and complaining: "Hurry up, hurry up~ I don't want to be entangled!"

Garcia and Brown followed automatically.

They found an inconspicuous corner and each took a glass of social wine from the waiter's tray. Dowell looked around and said, "This is it."

 “Okay.” Garcia and Brown were fine.

"Huh~" Dowell leaned on the edge of the sofa and exhaled, turning his head to talk to them: "I was just taken by the old man of the family to talk to Shi Lao, and I was so nervous. The pressure from that person was too heavy, I I don’t dare to breathe when I stand in front of him.”

“That’s why I slipped away and didn’t dare to go there…” Garcia agreed.

Dowell curled his lips: "I said just let him take the elder brother there. The old man has to call me. What can I do?"

Brown smiled and said, "It means your family still has hope for you." Except for Ying Shi, the second generation of the family, they are just decorations in the family.

 They are qualified to attend the banquet, but they are not qualified to be taken by the older generation of the family to make connections, just because they are not the family's favorite candidates, they only need to eat, drink and have fun.

"Haha." Dowell smiled coldly, with a trace of sarcasm flashing in his eyes. It was difficult to say that the family did not think highly of him, but regarded him as his eldest brother's replacement.

 He turned his head inadvertently and changed the embarrassing topic: "By the way, where is Shadow Ten? Why didn't I see him?"

"There." Garcia, whose blond hair and blue eyes were particularly recognizable, clinked the glasses with the handsome-looking Brown next to him, and then motioned Dowell to look south: "Look towards the five o'clock direction."

Dowell silently recited the five o'clock direction in his mind, turned around and saw a man in the distance walking towards Elena in high spirits.

 Who is not a member of their inner circle.

“…” Dowell lost his sight for a moment, looked away without interest, and complained to his two friends beside him: “Does he have to be a licker?”

Garcia and Brown shrugged at the same time: "I don't understand, but I respect and bless you."

 Dowell: “…”

He turned his head and looked over again, and saw that Moody, who had not been seen for a long time, was also walking in that direction. Unsurprisingly, the two of them would collide.

Dowell commented harshly: "Moody is here too, and there will be another good show later!"

"I don't understand. Elena is pretty good and excellent in all aspects, but everyone knows that she will marry the Theron family in the future and will be someone else's fiancée. They are fighting over each other here. Is streaming interesting?"

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