Published at 21st of March 2024 12:10:09 PM

Chapter 5135: Sister Nian decided to take a detour

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"How about it?"


 Guan Yan was about to turn around when Qiao Nian pushed him back from behind and looked up at the whirlwind of longitude and latitude on the screen.

“How long until we run into a storm at sea?”

"Within 3 hours." Guan Yan looked serious and pulled out a calculation chart to show her: "In this sea area."


Guan Yan said: "This place is only 60 nautical miles away from the meeting point we agreed with Mr. Ye. It belongs to the Caribbean Sea, a no-no-no zone, and the power structure is very complicated. People from the Theron family occasionally come here to patrol, followed by the Caribbean Sea. The local overlords and the pirates also regard this place as their own territory... In addition, the aboriginal people here often take risks to fish... There are **** conflicts and accidents here all year round."

Guan Yan has been outside all year round and knows how to deal with crises best. Even she frowned and had a bad expression on her face.

“Why are you here? Sun, this is very detrimental to us.”

 Qiao Nian squeezed her hands away and typed quickly on the keyboard. A satellite analysis map that was more detailed than what Guan Yan had found quickly appeared on the screen above her head.

She pointed at the map on the screen and drew an arc, then turned around and asked Guan Yan, "What if we go around like this?"

Guan Yan looked at the arc that passed through the edge of the storm that she pointed out. He thought carefully and said, "We can do this, but we may encounter a reef."

 All HNA members have a nearly fixed route. A section of the route Qiao Nian pointed out is black, indicating that no one has tried to travel this route.

Such routes often lurk unknown risks.

This kind of danger is not caused by man, but a natural trap given by nature.

"Do you have a better idea?" Qiao Nian held her chin up, her dark eyes sharp.

Guan Yan fell silent after being asked, and said after a while: "Then let's try it. Take a gamble!"  "Yeah." A smile appeared on the corners of Qiao Nian's lips, always high-spirited, and he said calmly to her: "Let's adjust it first. I really can’t talk about the new route. I will do my best to ensure your safety.”

Guan Yan looked at her, suddenly reached out and pinched her face, then retracted his hand and stretched before Qiao Nian could react.

 The whole person feels much more relaxed and happy.

 “Come on, let’s do it!”


 Qiao Nian, whose head was full of black lines, didn't care about her and started to take Guan Yan's place in front of the main computer to rewrite the voyage settings of the new route.

  Ships generally have their own fixed route, and they will follow the pre-set route without human operation.

Qiao Nian needs to readjust the route set in the cockpit if he wants to change the route temporarily.


 There are more and more dark clouds in the sky, and when they gather together, there is a strong tendency for a storm to come. Especially when the ship is closer to the eye of the storm, the extreme weather becomes more obvious.

Ye Wangchuan stood on the deck and looked down. The rolling waves below opened their mouths like monsters devouring humans, revealing **** and terrifying faces.

 When he returned to the deck, he saw that Moody, who was tied to the flag pole, had regained his composure, looked over weakly, and sneered at him.

"You think you can leave smoothly by holding me hostage. You don't understand your grandpa. If you knew him, you wouldn't allow that woman to act so randomly."

He has always liked Elena, but he doesn't have a good impression of Qiao Nian. He just didn't show his disgust on his face. When he mentioned Qiao Nian, he didn't want to call her by her name, so he only used a woman instead.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!