Published at 21st of March 2024 12:08:54 PM

Chapter 5176: if i want you to marry me

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Ying Shi pressed her and asked her: "What if I like you, I love you, and I want you to marry me?"

Elena’s face was filled with disbelief and her voice was hoarse: “Are you crazy?”

Ying Shi could not tell her the secret that he had vaguely guessed, but he was worried that his beloved woman would fall into a huge vortex of intrigue.

He had no choice but to come up with this clumsy way to express his love to her with all his courage at this juncture. Even if Shadow Ten knew in his heart what kind of person Elena was and would not agree to his pursuit... Elena's reaction still stung him.

 “I’m crazy.”

"We grew up together. I don't believe you don't feel anything about me." How could a person stand in front of a fire every day and not feel any warmth at all?

 “You’ve never considered me?”

 He always thought that he was not in unrequited love, and that Elena at least had some feelings for him.

But her subconscious question of "Are you crazy?" still made Ying Shi feel like he had fallen into the eighteenth level of hell, and his heart fell into an ice cellar.

"Okay, even if you haven't considered me before. What now? Now I tell you, I like you, I love you! My feelings for you have never been between friends, and they have long surpassed friendship. What about you? Are you willing? Don’t you want to accept me and be with me?”

 “Are you drinking too much?”

Elena didn’t know what caused Ying Shi’s convulsion, and suddenly called her to get mad at her.

But she still had many things to worry about right now, and she didn't have the energy to care about why he suddenly confessed his love. She simply refused: "My situation at home is different from yours. Even if you don't work hard, your grandma will value you, and you will not be the same in the future." I will be the winner. But I am not. I just didn't do a good job. As you saw, they called Eleanor back immediately." "Shadow Ten, I am different from you. Every step I take is through Calculate and work hard step by step to get to where you are now.”

“I don’t even allow myself to make mistakes, so how can I give up more than 20 years of struggle for others?”

Elena said calmly: "So I'm sorry, I can't accept your intention."

“…” Ying Shi was silent for a moment, and then suddenly asked: “Is it just because of this?”

Elena frowned again: "...What?"

Ying Shi said bluntly: "I used to feel the same way, and I thought you would not change your goals for anyone. So I never thought about confessing to you, and I didn't want to add a burden to you. I have also seen you and Mu When it comes to getting along with Di, I think you don’t like him, you don’t like anyone, and you only pursue your own goals. Until..."

Elena felt a strong sixth sense, and her heartbeat accelerated instantly, like a galloping wild horse galloping in her chest.

 “Until what?”

Shadow Ten continued: "Until Ye Wangchuan came to the island this time, I saw the way you looked at him and your reaction. I found that you are not without feelings. You have feelings in this regard. Elena, you have feelings for him. Good impression! You didn't identify with him simply because of marriage, but you were also attracted to him. But he has a girlfriend, and you know better than me that he can't fall in love with you... So what are you thinking about? "

"You are the White Moonlight in the hearts of all of us. Me, Moody, and many, many more people like you. Do you want to be so humble that you still have to fight with a **** with impure eyes even if you know that he has someone you love? ?I don’t understand, I just feel like I don’t know you anymore.”

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