Published at 21st of March 2024 12:06:53 PM

Chapter 5214: Borui was discovered

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I heard a very stylish black streamlined sports car on the side of the road. I opened the door with one hand. The hand that used to be fair and beautiful is now covered with scars, skinny and thin.

 The gym coach trotted out from inside to catch up.


 Qiao Nian raised her eyelids and leaned next to the sports car to answer the phone first: "Say."

"Bori may be in danger. Didn't you say you wanted him to hang out with me? I want to send someone to pick him up." David went straight to the point.

“He wasn’t willing before, wasn’t he?” The girl looked at the coach who was close at hand from the corner of her eye. She suppressed the anger on her brows but did not push him away.

David said: "The island has been investigating the person who helped you, and we are about to find him. He called me last night."

 Qiao Nian remembered that Borui had helped her on the island, nodded slightly, and then remembered that he couldn't see, so she said, "OK, I'll pick him up."

"Sun, you want to go in person?" David was shocked: "Didn't you just have a big fight with the Sixth Continent? You show up at this time..."

Qiao Nian lowered his eyelashes slightly and said nonchalantly: "Half a month has passed. What he has to do has been arranged, and it doesn't matter whether I show up or not."

“You ask someone to pick me up at the pier in the afternoon, and I’ll pick him up myself.” She saw the coach she had caught up with was still standing there.

 Just tell the person on the other end of the phone: "Hang up."

When the male coach saw her hanging up the phone, he immediately approached her with a smile and said, "Beauty, this is your car."

 Qiao Nian put the phone back with a rather indifferent expression: "Is something wrong?"

Seeing her distant and cold attitude, the coach said a little embarrassed: "It's nothing... I just saw you boxing alone there, and I wanted to ask if you are interested in finding a professional to learn."

Seeing that Qiao Nian didn't respond, he quickly waved his hand and said, "I was either taking a peek, or I was passing by and saw you practicing in the octagonal cage. It looked like you had learned a little bit about your punching posture. So I caught up and asked, Beauty, do you think you are interested?"

 Qiao Nian opened the car door and prepared to get in the car: "Not interested."

The man was anxious, stretched out his hand to block the car door, and said anxiously: "Beauty, you are quite talented. If you find a professional to learn more, you will definitely be better." The smell of sweat and the burnt smell of nicotine from smoking came close to me.

She frowned almost reflexively, and distanced herself from the male coach. There was a fire in her black eyes, and she relied on her reason to suppress it so as not to explode.

 “What rank are you in?”


The coach realized that Qiao Nian was asking him about his Muay Thai rank, and immediately said proudly: "I have a sixth-degree blue belt and have competed in the provincial competition."

"Ang." Qiao Nian raised her hand to ask him to get out of the way, and said casually: "I have a red belt. You can go away."

Red segment?

That’s not level ten?

The coach took a few steps away, looked at her in disbelief, and blurted out: "How is it possible, you are a girl..."

 “What’s wrong with women? Women can’t box?”


 Muay Thai has always been a men’s domain.

Even if there are women who fight well, they have always ignored them and never treated female boxing champions and male boxing champions equally.

I always think that women’s boxing is just for fun.

After thinking about it, he still thought that Qiao Nian could not be a red belt. He licked his face and reached out to stop the girl from getting on the bus: "Beauty, don't be kidding..."

Qiao Nian threw the shoulder bag he was carrying into the car, and punched him in the face with a strong fist—

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